♡Chapter Fifteen♡

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Chapter Fifteen

She could never face him again. Humiliation bubbled in the pit of her stomach like furious butterflies just begging to get out and she couldn't let them. Horrified, mortified, she couldn't think of a word horrid enough to describe such an encounter that happened just minutes ago.

And then, she screamed at Dana as though any of it was her fault and it was so far from her fault. She wished to turn back just to tell her she was sorry because it was the first thing that came to mind.

Tears spilt hurriedly down her cheek from the sheer embarrassment of the look on his face. He was shocked, eying that letter and then eying her and she didn't want to see that face again - it was just...horrible. It was rejection without words and she knew for a fact he would never want to talk to her again.

"Honey!" she almost froze had it not been for adrenaline, hurrying her through the hallways as the rain battered against the window just to the side of her. She could hear the footsteps of her best friend behind her, but she couldn't face her, she couldn't bear to look at the disappointment - or just hurt on her face.

"Honey please stop, I'm not mad at you!" soothing. Her voice was soothing, soft and gentle to get Honey to stop and when she halted her steps, Dana grabbed her arm and pulled her into her. She allowed her to cry, sobs loud and muffled by Dana's shoulder who patted her hair and stuffed the letter back into her pocket, "it's okay, Honey, I promise."

"It's not okay, Dana," she whispered through her sobs, "I was so mean to you! why aren't you trying to kill me right now?!"

"Because I couldn't live without my best friend," Dana laughed softly, "and I know you better than anyone. You don't say things you mean when you're angry, you just say whatever you think of in the moment."

Dana grabbed her hand, pulling her over to the window seat just across the hall and Honey fell into the corner, pulling her knees up to her chest and eying the dull rolling clouds. Shades of light to dark grey caught her eye, and she hoped a storm was coming.

"I would never have teased you," Dana whispered quietly, "if I knew you liked him, I would've joked with you but only if you wanted me to."

Honey lifted her eyes from the window, tears still falling. She couldn't handle embarrassment, it was the worst thing she could possibly think of and right now the only thing she could do was cry.

"I know," Honey mumbled, "I knew that deep down, you never have teased me. But I just...I still haven't really come to terms with liking someone - especially someone I'm close to. I knew that telling you made it real."

She shook her head, running a hand through her tangled hair. She didn't care much for her tears, or the fact that some students saw her in passing - and her tears. She wondered if he told anyone if he was laughing hysterically at the very thought of her liking him.

It could've been like a movie, she thought, when she runs away, and the boy runs after her. But she couldn't help but feel rather thankful that it was her best friend to run after her, because she didn't need rejection in this very moment - but comfort from it, and who better than the girl who had been there since the very first boy she had ever liked.

"He didn't reject you, Honey," Dana whispered, "no matter what you're thinking - no matter his reaction. He was just...shocked, and who wouldn't be? if I just found out that the most wonderful girl in school liked me-"

"Oh please," Honey laughed, tears spluttering slightly, and she wiped them with the sleeve of her jumper, "you already love yourself, Dana."

"Funny," Dana smiled softly. She reached for Honey's hand when more tears fell, and her lip quivered, she didn't like Honey as anything other than a friend, but she meant her words - Honey was the best person she knew, and she loved her with all of her heart that the very thought of someone not liking her was blasphemous.

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