♡Chapter Nine♡

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Chapter 9

"Everything I told you is all I know," said Honey, her autumn coat falling over her shoulders over the velvet red dress that fell just a few inches above her knees. The trips to Hogsmeade were the only time she was able to truly show off her fashion sense and she was making sure that she was doing as such as best as she could.

She had planned her outfits accordingly, tights over her legs and a pair of heeled boots she adored styled to match the accessories she wore. Dana, beside her, wore something similar to the autumn fashion Honey adorned, they always liked to dress up in their best outfits for the first weekend in Hogsmeade, and Honey had insisted more than five times that her outfit wasn't to impress anyone, no matter how much Dana teased her.

And it was true, if she wished to impress someone with her outfits then she could and would but she could also impress herself with her fashion expertise which is exactly what she was doing.

Her glossed lips were cold in the frosty air, and she wondered if a different sort of lipstick would've been better for the weather, but they were already running late. She had asked only Dana to join her at The Hogs Head, unsure that her other three friends would be interested to join.

Dana was the only one to know of Honey's scarred hand too, out of her friends and the girl was fuming. She wished to give the horrid witch a piece of her mind, but Honey stopped her in her tracks - she didn't want Dana to suffer the same irritation she had and the scars hadn't stopped irritating her for the few days she had it.

"Look!" Dana whispered, panting ever so slightly. She hurried in the direction of the pub that didn't exactly get a lot of students, pulling Honey's hand with her so as not to interrupt the meeting of many people when it was already in full swing.

"You made it!" Fred beamed his grin wide at the sight of Honey who nodded with a smile of her own, pulling off her autumn scarf and holding it in her hand. Her hair pulled out from her coat and floated down to her shoulders in the messy waves she didn't have time to style which left them frizzier than usual.

"I didn't know there'd be this many students," Honey whispered to Fred quietly, holding the door open for Dana who leaned against it as soon as she closed it over, her nose pink from the cold and a puff of breath indicating that she was puffed out.

"Neither did I," he snorted, a smirk on his lips as he pushed his way to the front of the crowd and to the bar's counter. Honey followed his lead when he left a space for her to join him, and she greeted George with a grin, to which he returned it.

"Hi," Fred soon said, reaching the bar and quickly counting the many students who had joined them, "could we have...twenty-seven butterbeer's, please?"

Honey bit back her giggle at the sight of the barman's expression, as though Fred had interrupted him in a very important task but regardless, he disappeared for a moment and soon started passing up - slightly - dusty Butterbeers from under the bar.

"Cheers," said Fred, handing them out to those around them. Honey soon started helping him, "cough up, everyone, I haven't got enough gold for all of these..."

Honey watched the students rummage through their robes - or, like her, muggle clothing - to find some gold and she did the same. She managed to find her purse tucked into the pocket of her coat, "I can pay for yours, Honey."

"That's not exactly fair, Fred," she trailed off, frowning. He smirked at her, taking a swig of his Butterbeer.

"Think of it as a thank you...for showing up," he added the last part as though that was not what he was thanking her for and her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, "this is when you thank me."

Oh, Honey | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now