♡Chapter Fourteen♡

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Chapter 14

The rain was not something unfamiliar to Hogwarts. The castle perched in the Scottish Highlands did not hide away from the storm-lashed grounds and the battering of rain on the cold-to-touch windows.

Quidditch practice had been cancelled, and classes much like Herbology that was taken outside had been moved into a forgotten classroom for the day ahead. The day was hectic without barely starting, and Honey sat at the Gryffindor table like she always did with Dana who was ranting on and on about a three-foot-long essay given out by Snape.

This was a different essay from the one given to Honey to do. She found it odd, at first, that Snape had given such a large workload - but the realisation set in soon after...Dana was a Gryffindor.

Snape didn't favour any house but his own, but his deep-rooted hatred started with the Gryffindors.

"This storm is terrible," Honey soon said. She loved the rain much more than any other weather and she preferred it over the sun any day - quite the opposite of Dana who was grumbling with annoyance any time she looked out the window - but having to walk through the courtyard and ending up soaked after only seconds of being exposed to the rain, Honey was not enjoying it much like she wished to.

The rain was wonderful at night. When she didn't have classes and the sound of the raindrops hitting against her window could lull her into a restful sleep. When she could sneak to the kitchens with a request for hot chocolate and sit by the large window in a forgotten hallway just listening and watching and seeing the puddles form on the grounds below.

She was too busy concentrating on the parchment on the table as she spoke quietly about the weather. Dana had watched her bring the parchment out just before, but instead of a quill - she wrote with a pen.

Pens were much more convenient but for her school work - Honey liked the added touch of magic in using a pen. She dived into magic when she came back from summer, and any holidays they may have but when it came to writing what she was...a pen was a better preference.

It reminded her of why she was writing it.

Dana had realised instantly. When she saw the pen in the girl's hand, it was very clear that she would be writing to her dad.

She had been sending letters back and forth to her dad since she arrived, at least four a week and more depended on the speed of her owl and how quickly her dad could get back to her. But Dana also realised that this letter was much different than the other ones. She didn't know why, she just had a strong feeling and she was right - it was much different.

Honey could always confide in her friends for advice, she knew she always could and did for most of the time. Her letters to her dad usually consisted of her classes in vague details and something funny she did - or something exciting.

But this time, she needed his advice for something. Or, well, someone.

At first, boy advice, from none other than her dad was a little odd. When her mother died, she kept any boys that she could possibly like to herself and dealt with it herself but then one boy struck a chord so much that she poured out all of her feelings into a letter and sent it to her dad without thinking.

Scott was so happy that she was finally opening up to him all those years ago that he gave back his honest and truest advice he could whilst tears brimmed his eyes and a smile tugged at his lips. She wrote in a way that made it seem like she was there. Every pause, every stop - it felt like she was talking to him when he read her letters and it made the distance between them that bit more bearable.

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