♡Chapter Six♡

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Chapter 6

"That Umbridge woman seems like a right git," Eli grumbled angrily, a goblet warming his hand and an annoyed look wrote very evidently across his face. The five friends were partaking in their start-of-term tradition as they liked to call it, something that started in second year with just Honey and Dana and had continued throughout the years.

Honey, as innocent as she could be, had a sly glint of mischief in her - and with her silent footsteps, was able to learn a lot of information and slip out of trouble if she ever found herself in it.

With this, came the information on how to get into the kitchen; tickling the pear, of course. She hurried to Dana as the young twelve-year-old many years ago, excitedly to venture into new territory of the castle and as friends of the house elves busy at work who were more than happy to make the group of kid's hot chocolate and snacks.

"You can say that again," Brandi huffed, an annoyed look on her face, "how dare the ministry?! Interfering at Hogwarts as if the school needs some sort of supervision!"

"It's not everyone else's fault that Harry Potter has been in the news all summer!" Kari exclaimed, "I don't want to put up with her for a bloody year!"

"In Harry's defence," Honey spoke up, rather interested in the marshmallows atop of her hot chocolate, "I don't think Harry is particularly fond of the attention he's getting. I don't think it's fair that so many people are so quick to judge a fifteen-year-old boy. If Dumbledore believes him then so do I."

"I do too," said Dana. She took a sip of the hot chocolate from her goblet, "he's been through enough shit, I hardly think he's bringing this upon himself intentionally. He needs more allies than enemies at this point."

"I agree." Eli quietly said, "poor blokes got it rough, I think he needs a Slytherin on his side."

"Yeah...don't think he'd want it though," Kari muttered under her breath, "I just don't know. It's a bit suspicious, isn't it? He wins the cup, then Cedric dies and suddenly you know who is back. It all seems a bit...shady."

"Shady or not, I don't think Harry murdered Cedric - if that's what you're implying." Honey didn't intend for the sharpness in her voice to happen, or her annoyed look written across her face but she was closest to Cedric than the rest of her friends were. They were friends, not closely, but friends in the sense that they studied together multiple times and for a small few months during her second year she found herself liking him.

It was something silly that she very quickly got over, but she was close enough to develop such a thing that to think of the boy as gone was too heart-breaking.

"Cedric wouldn't want his death to be the reason everyone is hounding Harry," said Honey. Cedric was too good for that.

"Brin, what do you think?" asked Dana, her legs sprawled lazily over Kari who was leaning into Eli. Brandi was leaning against one of the kitchen counters and Honey was leaning into the corner of the wall with her head resting on the right wall to look at her friends.

"I think that Harry is nice," she trailed off slowly, "I don't know him too well, really. I don't know what kind of person he is, or what he's like but I know that he's close to the Weasleys, and the twins are nice. Might be a bit mental, but they're nice."

"We could always ask the twins what they think about it," Dana said. She wasn't best friends with the twins but she was definitely the closest being in the same house as them. All of them new the twins in some way, they were comfortable to talk to them which proved when Honey joked with them at dinner, they weren't strangers.

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