♡Chapter Eleven♡

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Chapter 11

The rain seemed never ending the following day, and most annoyingly - Umbridge had noticed Honey's absence during class. It seemed since her detention, the woman was keeping a closer eye on the girl and it infuriated her to no end. If the woman wasn't so frustrating then Honey would've easily have kept quiet, but when something bothered her - she had a very hard time staying quiet.

The cause of the delay on the defence lessons from Harry had created quite a stir with Quidditch players. The parchment that had gone up with the letter addressing all groups - which included teams - meant that each house had to get permission in order to practice.

Honey didn't know much about Quidditch regardless of attending every game - but she knew for a fact that the Hufflepuff's weren't at all happy. Dana's name for Umbridge - Um-bitch - was particularly common in the Hufflepuff common room, and as much as it wasn't entirely nice, that wasn't to say it wasn't true.

"You look happy," Honey giggled. The morning seemed almost like evening with the grey clouds over the great hall, showing exactly what it was like outside - it was horrid. Dana was beaming, clapping her hands together even more excitedly than Honey had seen her do in a while, "did Winona Ryder return your phone calls?"

"Oh please," Dana snorted, "as if I'd still be here if that were to happen!"

Honey's giggles continued and she soon took a seat across from the girl, greeting the twins and Lee Jordan with a small morning to which they all returned. George, though, had frowned slightly soon after, and asked, "who is Winona...Ryder?"

"A celebrity muggle-"

"A goddess from heaven!" Dana practically shrieked, "she is-"

"She is someone that Dana fancies so much she'd probably kill us all just to meet her," Honey snorted.

"You say that as if you wouldn't sell your soul for Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing-"

"That's not fair!" Honey gasped, wagging a finger in Dana's face, "you know that film is the best, you know he is the best!"

"It was okay at best-"

"Don't you dare!" Honey now shrieked, earning amused stares from those around her - including the twins and Lee, regardless of being completely confused - she had pushed herself up as though it would help her, "you love Dirty Dancing!"

"I'm only teasing!" Dana couldn't help her laughter, "I was almost going to say something about Heathers-"

"Don't even joke about that!" Honey cut her off, slapping her hands over her ears so as to block out anything Dana was going to say next.

A hand pulled hers from her ear, "I'm kidding - I'm excited because Quidditch."

"Well, that's way more boring than Dirty Dancing...but proceed," Honey soon said, folding her arms on the table in front of her. Dana loved Quidditch more than Honey ever would and was the reason Honey attended every game - because Dana made her.

The girl had lost so much money betting on Gryffindor to win every game she had developed a strategy to win at least something.

"The team got permission to train!" Dana grinned, "and the first game is against Slytherin's so we better win! I don't want another loss to those snakes!"

"Ah yes," Honey hummed, "welcome to Gryffindor - where everyone is so welcoming and loving of all four houses."

"It's not about purebloods and shit!" Dana exclaimed, "it's about crushing them to the ground and standing on their bodies in victory!"

Oh, Honey | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now