♡Chapter Five♡

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Chapter 5

The sting of the night air hit Honey like a punch to the face, cool and nippy and her hair blew behind her harshly whilst the wind continued to whistle through the air. Her robes flowed too, decorated in black and yellow and much different from the muggle clothes she had worn on the train, now stuffed messily inside her trunk.

"Hurry up, then," Kari grumbled impatiently, tiredly pushing Honey off of the train step so she could descend herself, "I want a good carriage this time. Last time I was stuck with some ratty fifth year. Draco...part of the Malfoy family."

Eli snorted, sharing a house with the boy was a lot worse than a carriage, "you haven't seen the half of it. If I didn't know better I think he fancied poor Harry Potter."

"Oh?" Honey spoke up, linking arms tightly with Dana so as not to lose her, "how come?"

"Oh, Potter and his perfect hair, and his perfect flying." Honey realised soon enough that Eli was impersonating the boy and couldn't help the small giggle. She knew of the boy, and his hatred for Harry but she didn't think he was that much of a complainer, it was rather amusing.

The conversation broke off shortly after that, with the group hurrying to find a carriage that could fit them all. Last year they all got split up, and they had mentioned more than once that that wasn't happening again.

Honey's eyes spared a look at the reptilian looking horses pulling the carriage; Thestrals. The black coats of the creatures clung to every bone, showing something haunting but completely majestic and Honey tried not to look too much, being the last of the line to enter the carriage - it was hard not to let her eyes wander.

The eyes...pupil-less white eyes that once haunted her dreams back in her second year when the sight of those creatures was first shown to her. Now, though, she was used to them and could actually see a foreign sort of beauty in the wings sprouted from each wither, the same black coat - leathery and bat-looking.

"Don't you think it's weird," Eli said shortly after the five of them were securely inside the carriage, "that the carriages pull themselves every year...and no one says anything about it?"

"I know," Honey spoke up, eyes straight ahead and instead of the Thestrals, "I wonder what charm they used for that."

"Of course, you'd be interested in the charm," Brandi giggled, as did Dana who nodded.

"I agree that it's weird," Dana mused, "though it's not the most surprising thing to happen at this school, I mean - we're here learning magic as if it's a normal thing."

"It should be after all this time," said Honey, "but growing up without it at home...it's easy to forget about it. That's the surprising part."

"The surprising part, to me, is that sometimes I want to forget about it," Dana whispered, eyes finding Honey's for a split second who understood and part of her agreed, "it'd get us out of the shit we're in with this war."

"And next year we're all on our own with no defences," said Kari, "just a bunch of eighteen-year-olds who have no idea what we're going to do and four of us are muggleborn's."

"And one is a blood traitor," Honey said. As much as being a muggleborn was terrifying in the age they were living in, Eli didn't have it easy either. He was openly friends with four muggleborn's and so proud of it - he was almost as much a victim as the girls were.

"We're doing well for ourselves," Dana snorted, kicking her feet up onto the small piece of seat free of her friends, "I'm sure Voldy will get us before we'll reach twenty."

Oh, Honey | Fred WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon