A bug?

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Nalara was a beautiful planet, it almost (almost being a keyword here) reminded Lance of Earth. Of course, it was nothing like Earth, at all, but it gave off a type of feeling. Keith and Lance had been sent to the surface of Nalara in search of a certain flower. Apparently, this flower's pollen was going to help the castle ship in some way. Lance didn't quite understand how a flower would be of use, but there were a lot of unknown things to the paladins, as they had been discovering. While he didn't want to be here with Keith of all people, he just couldn't help feeling homesick. He hated feeling homesick, it always left an ache in his chest.

It didn't help that Lance was almost positive that it was about to rain on this planet, Lance loved the rain, he always wished that just on one planet while they were there it would rain. He hadn't seen rain in a while and he missed it along with a lot of other things from Earth, mainly his family. Lance hated how he had to be feeling this right now, on this mission, with Keith. Lance shook those thoughts away and focused on the planet.

Nalara was gorgeous, up ahead of them were flowers, not the ones they needed, however, but wow were they beautiful. Blue leaves and stems, with yellow flowers. They looked a lot like Earth's sunflowers. Lance remembered them because they were his sister's favourite, she thought roses were cliche, which Lance's Mother would strongly disagree with. Lance wasn't sure he had a favourite flower.

There were some trees scattered here and there, blue trunks and pink leaves that somehow complemented the other perfectly, it was a little strange but overall, a sight worth seeing. Lance sighed content, closing his eyes and enjoying the warm sun on his skin,  Lance already loved this planet.

Allura had said that it was never inhabited unless you count animal life forms, plants and bugs. It was nice not having anyone around, peaceful even. Up head of Lance, (quite a bit up ahead) Keith was glaring at him, his helmet tucked under his arm, violet eyes staring at him. Lance smiled sheepishly and Keith rolled his eyes, Lance jogged over catching up to him. He took his helmet off it was starting to get too hot. He ran a hand through his sweaty hair and sighed pleased at the cool breeze that ruffled his hair away from the back of his neck. They began walking, following the coordinates Coran sent them with when Lance felt a small drop of something wet on his head. No way, it couldn't be, Lance tried not to get his hopes too high.

"Hey Keith, did you feel that?" Lance mumbled. Keith turned to look at him, Lance's head was trained on the dark clouds above, Keith tilted his head up following Lance's gaze and sighed.

"We'll just have to wait it out." Keith replied, grumpily. Lance was smiling at the sky a fond expression on his face, one Keith had never seen before, not even being directed at his best friend.

His eyes were shining and he smiled lazily at the sky, his face completely relaxed, his shoulders back and hair rustling in the wind. Lance laughed something that sounded so adorable, like little bells were ringing in Keith's ears. He shook his head clearing his thoughts.

"Wait it out, Keith are you kidding? I've been waiting for it to rain on a planet for like ever." Lance laughed again, and Keith felt heat pooling in his chest looking at Lance fondly, before snapping out of it. He walked under one of the pink and blue trees just as it started to pour. Keith watched as Lance stood in the middle of the clearing, his eyes were closed and he was smiling. He laughed again and began to stomp around in the puddles, making Keith smile, he was such a kid.

Lance hollered, into the sky. He continued running around splashing in the puddles, coming to a stop and tilting his head back with another laugh, Lance had almost forgotten the feel of rainwater running down his face, the smell of it and the feelings of joy he felt standing in the rain.

He used to play with his nieces and nephews, in the rain while visiting Veronica. Man, he missed them, Lance sighed sadly. He was pulled out of his trance when he heard a loud curse, followed by a yelp and a smacking sound that made him flinch. He turned his head and spotted Keith under a tree, rubbing a spot on his neck, a look of discomfort on his face. Lance jogged over and sent him a worried look, which was missed because Keith was looking at the ground.

"Keith?" Lance asked unsurely. "You alright?"

Keith looked up and, his thought process stopped immediately, ocean blue eyes stared into his violet ones, and Keith gave Lance a soft smile, his expression turning fond. Lance had never seen such a look on Keith, let alone directed at him, his heartbeat increased, anxiety wrapping around his throat tightly.

"Lance." Keith breathed, Lance furrowed his brows, something was definitely wrong.

"Did a bug bite you?" Lance questioned, eyes roaming his face quickly. Keith shook his head, but Lance wasn't convinced, Lance's eyes scanned the front of Keith's neck. "Turn around please." He stated calmly, Keith gave him a funny look but didn't argue, which hello big giveaway right there. Lance moved Keith's hair aside to check his neck and sees a bright pink mark on the back of his neck, Lance sighed lightly, this should be fun.

Lance grabbed his helmet placing it on his head, turning the comms on, hearing a slight crackle before it picked the signal up.

"We have a slight problem guys." Lance said into the helmet mic.

There was static before Hunk's worried voice cut through. "What's wrong? Are you guys okay?"

"I think so, but Keith was bitten by a bug just a few seconds ago and I'm not sure if there are any alien toxins to be aware of that could harm him." Lance rambled.

"Did you get a look at the bug?" Shiro asked calmly, although there was an edge to his voice.

"Nope, I wasn't near Keith. Heard him curse and then smack himself and came over to see why he cursing so much. Found the bite mark on the back of his-" Lance cut off abruptly, as arms snaked their way around his torso, Lance turned his head to see Keith hugging him from behind, a smile stretching across his face. Keith leaned closer, putting his face in the crook of Lance's neck. Keith's breath tickled Lance's neck causing a shiver to dance down his spine. "Neck." Lance finished, awkwardly.

"You smell nice." Keith mutters into Lance's skin and he stills, spine stiffening and coughing, trying not to choke on his spit. Because Dios, Keith freaking Kogane is hugging him, of seemingly free will.

"Dios," Lance mutters under his breath. "Yeah, something is very wrong." Lance says louder.

"We're heading back to the Red lion, hopefully, Keith can actually fly it." Lance mutters the last part, earning a pout from Keith who is close enough to hear him, Lance sighs.

This will be a long day.

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