a good fuck? 45

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bohemian rhapsody- queen

oops, sorry I lied. i got caught up watching insatiable. that show is a trip, and i loved it in a weird way.

Eddie; I fuvjing told her

Richie; do you need me to come over

Eddie; sksksksks yes

Richie; what did she say

Eddie; she didnt say anything

Richie; what did you say?

Eddie; i said "mom. im not gay"

Richie; wow.

Eddie; wait till im done, sassy pants

Richie; im cringing from reading that

Eddie; wow. sorry

eddie; anyway, my mom said 'oh eddie-kins, i know. i raised you right'

Richie; bitch

Eddie; and i was like fuck you, but i didnt say that. i said "but i have a boyfriend"

Richie; she probably fell on her fucking ass

Eddie; she said "yeah, all your friends are boys, except that marsh girl" and then she fucking muttered under her breath 'fucking slut' like BITCH! DONT  FUCKING CALL MY FRIEND A SLUT OR I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE TIT

Richie; i love you

Eddie; and then i said "no not like that. i have an actual boyfriend."

Richie; i see

Eddie; and then she sits down and doesnt say a word back to me

Eddie; and i say 'im still the same, its just, now i have a boyfriend.' and she blinks at me and i say 'i love you' which was fucking hard, cause i dont like lying. not that i was lying its just it seems faker, because its what you're supposed to say to your parents

Richie; i get it.

Eddie; anyway. now shes ignoring me

Eddie; please come over

Richie; im on my way!!!

Eddie; thanks

Richie; should i come barging through screaming 'baby i love you give me a kiss!'???

Eddie; do not do that

Richie; and why not

Eddie; she'll kick me out

richie; ok, fine. i wont do that. leave your side door unlocked

Eddie; just use my window

Richie; but im tiredddd

Eddie; and i cant go back there

Eddie; she'll try to talk to me

Richie; fine. but you owe me a kiss

Eddie; ok

Richie; 5 kisses?

Eddie; fine

Richie; a good fuck?

Eddie; no

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