Cute together 30

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Get with you- Clairo

Big Bill; I'm just gonna say it, richie and Eddie are so cute together

Bevvie Baby; you are correct

Stan the Man; ok, so maybe I was originally wrong about Eddie.

Benny Boy; I call best man!

Michael with a B; No fair!

Bevvie Baby; maid of honor, I call it!

Big Bill; do you think Richie is still at Eddie's

Stan the Man; no.

Michael with a B; yes!

Benny  Boy; idk probably

Bevvie Baby; hell yeah

Cute Fellow; no.

Trashmouth; yes!!!

Cute Fellow; he isn't. He left right after you did Bev.

Trashmouth; I mean, there was an amount of time substantial to a quick hj if ya know what I'm saying

Stan the Man; dude. Stop.

Michael with a B; EDDIE!

Big Bill; yesss get itttt

Bevvie Baby; for which one of you?

Cute Fellow; for no one. It didn't happen.

Cute Fellow; what did I tell you about lying, richie?

Trashmouth; you lied last night! You said you would wake me up with a kiss

Trashmouth; you know what I woke up to? Stan grinding on me

Stan the Man; bitch lie again I stg

Big Bill; what did he wake up to then?

Benny Boy; the smell of bacon

Trashmouth; I smell it, I eat it.

Trashmouth; and I live by that

Bevvie Baby; sounds like a great way of life

Michael with a B; sounds disgusting

Cute Fellow; ew.

Big Bill; ahahahhaha

Trashmouth; maybe if you guys weren't so dirty minded or gross it wouldn't sound bad

Bevvie Baby; that's rich coming from you.

Michael with a B; I want ice cream

Benny Boy; same and a half

Stan the Man; ice cream sux

Big Bill; EDDIE! Wanna go get ice cream?

Trashmouth; sure, don't ask me

Bevvie Baby; I want ice cream

Cute Fellow; yesss! I want a popsicle

Big Bill; hoe I said ice cream

Michael with a B; you know he means dick right?

Cute Fellow; NO I DONT!

Trashmouth; I'll give you a dick (;

Benny Boy; not on my Christian snapchat server!

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