Ill kill her 09

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pretty girls- michael seyer


Richie is typing...

Richie; it's not Eddie

Bill; then who?

Stan; well then who is it?

Bev; ^

Richie; it's my mom.

Bill; what is your mom doing there?

Richie; I gotta go guys

Bev; oh my goodness

Stan; update us, ok?

Richie; yeah, will do.

-Eddie to Richie-

Eddie; dude I'm really sorry.

Eddie; I didn't know

Eddie; I wasn't even thinking that anyone I knew Is gay.

Eddie; all i was thinking was I that needed to be mean and make those jokes because I didn't want anyone thinking that I was gay

Eddie; will you answer please?!

Richie; can't talk right now.

Eddie; oh thank fuck!

Eddie; I'm really sorry

Richie; dude shut the fuck up. I can't talk right now

Eddie; ok. Sorry.

-Eddie to Stan, Bev, and Mike-

Eddie; fuck guys what the hell

Mike ; what's this about?

Stan; well maybe if u weren't an ass he would have told u sooner

Bev; is this about the Richie thing?

Mike; wtf he knows


Mike; geez sorry

Stan; don't be homophobic next time

Eddie; bitch I'm not homophobic

Mike; but... Stan says u are

Bev; let's just all calm down

Stan; that's cause he is

Eddie; I am not

Stan; prove it

Eddie; how?

Stan; idk.

Eddie; I already apologized to Richie

Eddie; I said things that I regret.

Eddie; also Richie said someone else in our group is gay

Bev; ooo who?

Eddie; idk he didn't tell me

Stan; well how does he know?

Eddie; he said he read one of their texts

Mike; man, I thought it would be a gaydar thing

Eddie; lol

Stan; stop trying to change the subject

Eddie; I'm just really sorry guys.

Mike; it's okay

Bev; sweetie

Stan; fuck, guys, it's not "okay"

Stan; he was a dick, insensitive, and didn't even realize he was doing it

Stan; I'm sorry Eddie but what u said wasn't okay

Eddie; well how do I fix things?

Eddie; tell me how to make it better

Stan; I don't know.

Bev; just give it some time Eddie

Mike; yeah. Some time.

Eddie; fine.

-Richie to Stan, Bev, and Bill-

Richie; so, my moms moving back

Bill; are you okay?

Richie; yeah, she said she is sober and got a job here

Bev; so she is staying?

Richie; I Guess she is

Stan; what does your dad think of this

Bill; do u want someone to come over

Richie; my dad doesn't know, she said she wanted to tell him

Richie; no, I'm good, thanks.

Bev; I'll kill her

Richie; wtf

Bev; if she hurts you again, I'll kill her

Stan; woah there babe, calm down

Bill; babe?

Richie; babe?

Bev; BABE?

Stan; woah. Don't attacc

Richie; anyway, im fine guys.

Richie; I gotta call Eddie now

Bev; okay

Stan; really?

Stan; why do u need to call him?

Bill; stan, calm down

Richie; because he deserves to know my mom is back.

Stan; but he is a dick

Richie; that may be true, but he is still our friend.

Bev; stan, eddie needs to know.

Bill; ^

Stan; fine.

Richie; I'll text you guys later.

Bill; yeah, bye.

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