Youre bisexual.. 25

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Everytime- boy Pablo

-Friday: aka the day richie and Eddie and Ben are going to the movies: aka the day that Richie is going to sleepover eddies... alone.-

A/n I'm skipping the movie part cause it'll be boring me just saying "they went to the movies got popcorn and watched the movie"

"See you tomorrow ben!" Eddie said walking to Richie's car. "And thanks for the ride too."

"No problem Eddie. See you guys tomorrow." Ben replied walking to his own car.

"So spaghetti, what did you think of the movie?" Richie asked putting his arm around eddies shoulder... in a friendly way.

"It was, to sum it up, predictable." Eddie said like it wasn't an opinion but a fact.

"What do you mean?!" Richie chuckled. "Edna baby sat, that is not predictable at all!"

"Did you even watch the trailer?"

"Yes, but it was still like 'ooo what's she gonna do?' Ya know?"

"Whatever. At least it was good and funny." Eddie said hoping into the passenger seat of Richie's car.

The car ride was filled with music. Richie skipping through channels trying to find the perfect song. He landed on Wannabe by the spice girls. You may be asking yourself why would Richie pick that station? Well I'll tell you. It's because when he was flipping through he channels he was looking at Eddie, and Eddie perked up at this song. That's why, your welcome.

They sang along to the music and danced in the car. When the song ended Eddie turned down the music and suddenly Richie got this weird vibe off of Eddie.

"What's wrong?" Richie asked as the mood of the car ride slowly went from happy to sad.

"I need to tell you something."

"Should I stop the car?" Richie asked a little sacred.

"I don't know." Eddie answered honestly.

"Well we are almost to your house." Richie pointed out as if Eddie had no idea where he was. "Can you wait two minutes?"

"Uhhm y-yeah." Eddie looked out the window as if he were trapped in his own mind.

Am I really gonna do this? Does he really need to know? Why should I tell him, he already knows I like him... right? Eddies brain raced in circles of should he or shouldn't he.

Before Eddie knew it he was in his driveway with a concerned Richie staring at him.

"Are you okay Eddie?" Richie asked.


Richie wanted to pull the boy into a hug and tell him that whatever was going on it was going to be okay.

"Tell me what's wrong eds, please."

"I- I can't" Eddie stammered

"You're scaring me Eddie, just please tell me what's wrong, I can fix it." Richie pleaded with the Eddie who sat beside him with a tear rolling down his face. "Please." Richie grabbed eddies hands in his and he could feel the boys hands shaking.

"You already know." Eddie spoke up. "I think."

"Your mom won't hate you."

"She will."

"Just say it Eddie, it will make you feel better, to finally say it out loud."

No, I like girls, I've had sex dreams about girls. I know I'm attracted to girls. Why does my heart flutter when Richie is near me? I. Like. Girls.

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