Percy - Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Melisax Vera

Okay. This chapter will reveal the knot of the story. this goes slowly, I know, but I hope you guys like it!!!! All rights to Rick Riordan. Next chapters will contain more action!!! Cross my heart.

The prophecy has come at last!!!!


Percy was acting mad. And not without reason.

When Jason had pulled Reyna apart, with a strange look in his face, Octavian rushed to the Fifth Cohort table and looked at Percy meaningfully.

"May I have some words with you, Praetor?" he said.

"Gagh. I'm not Praetor anymore Octavian. Jason is."

"Good" He said with poison in his voice "Rome needs to lead Rome. Not intruders who do not know anything about Rome."

Percy rolled his eyes and breathed, trying to keep himself from strangling Octavian. "What is it now, augur? have you got something truly important to tell me? Because if not, I think your stuffed animals are missing you. Mommy should go with them."

Octavian clenched his fists. "Look graecus. I've got some news in here. Things even I considered important to tell you. I wouldn't like it if you regreted not hearing what I was going to say. Now, can I have those words with you?" Percy clenched his jaw, but something told him he should go. He took Annabeth's hand and they both stood up to follow Octavian. He stopped them. "Ah ah ah. It is only you, graecus, i'm going to talk to. Stay here, blondie."

Percy was going to reply, but Annabeth whispered in his ear "It's okay Seaweed Brain. I'll stay. Just... take care."

Percy turned to face her. Something told him he should tell Annabeth what Ella had said. "Wisdom's daughter walks alone. the mark of Athena burns through Rome."

"What?" Annabeth breathed. Octavian had a shocked look in his face. Percy frowned.

"What did you say?" Annabeth repeated.

"Hum..." He couldn't talk about Ella in front of Octavian, so he just said "It's nothing. Something I heard on the quest to Alaska. Just... take care too." Percy gave Annabeth a soft kiss in the cheek before he faced Octavian. "Good. I'm going with you."

Octavian guided him to a corner behind a column. "It is my duty to inform you about a new prophecy. A prophecy of which, strangely, you already know the half."

"Just continue" Percy grumbled. It started to rain. Please tell me it's not Jason who's making it rain, Percy thought.

Octavian straightened himself and cleared his throat.

" Earth shall toughen up the born/

A sacrifice must fix what once was torn/

Wisdom's daughter walk's alone/

The Mark of Athena burns through Rome."

Percy wondered what the prophecy meant. The sacrifice part... it didn't sound like fun. Percy felt he should tell Annabeth immediatly. He was turning to leave when he catched a glimpse of Octavian raising an eyebrow. He stopped in his tracks.

"Octavian what—?"

Suddenly a cloud of dust blocked his vision. He heard screams. He rushed to the Fifth Cohort table.

"Annabeth" He had a strange feeling in his heart, as if something had been suddenly taken away from him. "Annabeth!" He shouted. He tripped over something that was lying on the floor and fell. He stood up and crossed the Hall to the other corner. "Annabeth!"

When the dust cleared, he found his friends spattered on the floor with confused expressions and fear in their faces "Annabeth" He murmured. But she was nowhere to be seen.

With a mad expression, Percy shouted "Where is she? Where's Annabeth?! Tell me!" He shaked Leo, who looked concerned too.

"I dunno man! Was here a sec ago!"

"ANNABETH!" Percy was worried out of his mind.

Piper took him by the arm. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something but a powerful voice interrupted. The Earth shook, causing horror in the crowd.

Do not search longer Perseus... it will only cause you pain... Wisdom's daughter is to follow her path without you... Forget about her and go to Rome. Nothing else can be done...

Percy opened his eyes with horror. "Who are you?"

You know who I am...

"Bring her back Stupid Dirt Face!"

 The voice sounded inside Percy's head, hurting Percy and making him mad. His vision became blurred. He could only catch the image of an opaque Piper who was looking at him, worried. Her lips were moving but he couldn't hear anything but a skirl and that strange voice. It sounded so painful inside his mind... he fell to his knees, covering his temples, trying to make it stop. He screamed GO AWAY! and suddenly everything went silent. His vision went black  as he fell...


He was in a forest... the voice sounded nearby. He ran. Suddenly he saw Annabeth, standing in a clearing, talking to someone... it's just that Percy couldn't see who. Annabeth screamed "You can't ask me that!" and bursted crying. Percy ran and tried to hug her, but he couldn't get to her. Something pulled him back, taking him away from Annabeth...

"Percy!" He opened his eyes, startled and breathing heavily. "Ah!" he shouted, and whoever was standing beside him backed.

When his vision cleared he could see he was spatered on the Dining Hall, tears running down his face. Piper was crouching, looking at him, concerned. Hazel was shaking him by the shoulder. Percy sat down, feeling dizzy. "What are you looking at?"

Hazel smiled, relieved. "Hum, just nothing. You passed out, but of course, that's not unusual. And not even important" she said with sarcasm. Percy got it.

"Oh. Right." He closed his eyes. He was feeling better... but suddenly the memories of the recent events reached him painfully. He got to his feet. "The voice! Where's Annabeth?"

Piper said "Percy there was no voice... You were just..."

"That stupid graecus deserved it" Octavian muttered between his teeth, probably thinking no one would hear, but Percy did. He turned with rage in his eyes and raised Octavian by the shirt. "Now, you! What did you do to her? Did you help Gaea? Huh?" Octavian looked scared, but then he frowned, trying to look agressive.

"Of course I didn't, you idiot! I think you both deserve what happened, yes, but I'm loyal to Rome!"

"You took me aside so I wouldn't help her in time!"

"Imbecile! How dare you? I—" He didn't finish. Percy angrier than he had been in his whole life, threw Octavian against the floor, where he landed with a crash.

Percy realized too late that he shouldn't have done that. Humiliating Octavian like that in font of the romans wasn't a good idea. Octavian got to his feet and shouted " YOU ARE A DEAD MAN PERSEUS JACKSON! I SWEAR!"

Percy couldn't think clearly. He dumped the table and hit a column with his fist.

"Percy STOP!" Hazel shouted. Reason came back to Percy. What happened to me? What have I done? he thought. With tears in his eyes, he backed up, slowly. Everybody was staring at him in shock.

" I— I'm sorry"  He managed. The abscence of annabeth made his heart ache. "I—" he turned and ran away, not really knowing what he would do.

"Percy! What happened?" he heard Reyna, but he didn't care.

He kept running, hoping they would leave him alone.

:( sad, I know. Only the gods know what will happen next. do they? hahaha

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