Reyna- Chapter 19

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Hey everyone!!! I know, I know, I haven't updated for QUITE a while... I'M SORRY!!!! I think I had a writer's block. Awful. Anyways, I'm back!!! And if you are still reading this story, I tell you with all my heart:

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, okay, the classic rollo of every single time: I do not own any of the PJO stuff, sadly.

This chapter is not quite active, but it has lots of stuff. So okay, I really really hope you like it :)



Reyna was walking down the corridor to join Jason and Percy when she heard Jason's voice:

"PLEASE HELP ME!" He sounded so shocked that Reyna panicked. She ran straight into the weapon room and her heart nearly stopped when she saw Jason shaking Percy— who was lying unconscious on the floor— with a contorted face. Percy was as pale as marble. Swords and shields were everywhere on the floor. Jason shook Percy again and shouted his name, but Percy's head fell back limp. He wouldn't wake. Reyna knelt beside Jason to help. She felt for a pulse in Percy's wrist, and surely enough there it was, perfectly normal. His breathing, however, was faint. Jason started to talk, but Reyna shushed him. "Don't explain right now, tell me later. We gotta take him to the infirmary! We need him ready, or anyone will panic before the attack!!!"

"We are already panicked!"

"Shut up Blondie! Help me! Grab him by the arms!"




Jason didn't interrupt anymore. If Reyna went a little more mad, she would kill him. Painfully.

Carrying Percy to the hospital room was a big deal. The guy weighed a ton. For a moment, Jason felt again a pang of jealousy because of Percy being more muscular than him. For a moment, he was tempted to drop him, but no. Gaea was messing with his feelings, wasn't she? What Jason had felt a few minutes ago had been worry for Percy. He would try to leave it like that. No jealousy, no hatred. They were together in this quest. They had to respect each other, care for each other.

Why? his second voice asked him.

Because we gotta keep our camps together. Duh.

No, Jason... you don't want to be a leader along with Percy... you are the ONLY leader....

Am I? he sounded kinda childish. are...Share not your power... Let Perseus fall...

For a moment, Jason was tempted again, but he regained his composure against his second voice.

I won't. Shut up.

The voice died in his brain as they almost got to the infirmary. Thankfully, none of the other demigods saw them carrying  the unconscious body of their leader and praetor. Jason pushed the mid-closed door with his back and peered inside. Percy almost fell form his hold as Jason blushed horribly.



Reyna looked inside the room at the same time, just as Piper quickly closed the drawer of the bureau by Percy's bed and turned around with a scared expression on her face. Reyna narrowed her eyes.

"You've been... rummaging?...Percy's possesions?"

"Of course not!" Piper shot Reyna an angry-scared look, and then shot Jason a glare full of hatred and resentment. Then she seemed to realize what, or who they were carrying with them. Piper's eyes widened as she started to make Percy's bed as moms do when their babies are sick.

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