Fight for feelings (Hiroto)

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 I opened my eyes. I looked ahead. Brigt, milk light shone through the glass of window. Day woke up. I stood up and stretched out. I smiled up. Day started calmly. I opened wardrobe and took my clothes. I chose black blouse with red dragon and white, corduroy trousers. I went to the bathroom. I took off boxers of my hips. I went under the shower. I turned on the tap. Warm water spilled on my body. It felt nice. Liquid dripped from my hair. I took the bottle of shampoo and put some fragrant eucalyptus fluid on my hand. I massaged it in my body. I smeared soap foam on my arms. I put gel on my head and washed my locks. I swilled the soap with watter. Watter soaked to the skin. Water flowed down my body. I looked down, standing in that place. I touched my thighs and place between it. I smiled up a little. I muttered. I took my hand back. On my body still liquids went down. I took my hand back. I went out the shower. I took a soft towel and wiped my body of drops of water. My black hair covered my eyes. I threw them back. I dressed up. I combed my hair with brush. I got out from the bathroom. When I came beside my desk, I noticed, that Skateman was already awake. Silver warrior combed his purple hair with hairbrush. I snickered:

- Hold on, studmuffin. You look so handsome already now he he~ - I told to him.

He was surprised, ashamed. He blushed a little. He looked down. He said:

- Don't joke like that or I'll fall in love to you...

I smiled up to him. I remitted a little. He calmed down. We both understood ourselves a lot. We knew each other. I knew the differences between us. After a while he smiled a little and nodded.

- We're best friends. - he notified. - It's okay. I know, you're in love to her. 

- Yeah, brother... - I really calmed down. 

I sighed quietly. Skateman always supported me. He helped me in many things. Sometimes helped me in choosing clothes or additives. I lay on my bed again. I crossed arms after my head and closed my eyes.

- Thank you, Skateman. - I sighed. - But she doesn't think about me like that. She treats me like an only friend. 

He was saying something, but I didn't listen to him. Nothing worked. I opened my eyes and looked up. I knew her by long time. When we drove out of USA and moved into Japan, I wasn't happy. Japanese people were generally kind, but they were taught like that. They also were withdrawn and xenophobic. I was bad at talking with introverted guys. Also when I came to school, my presence paid a lot of attention. Some of the students, especially girls, were too shy to get me to know. But there were also racist. In that time I was one of shortest boys. Older guys often bullied me. Even because of that I didn't know japanese so well as others. Day after day was the same.

 I stood up. A tear ran down my cheek. I wiped it with my fist. 'Self-pity doesn't solve the problem.' I thought. I took my pet and came out from home. It was nearly eight o'clock. Sun came through the sky. It was autumn. I rang to my friends to hang out with them. I took out my pet and send a message to boys. After a while one of them answered to me. I saw boy's face surrounding with white, wavy hair. He smiled up to me.

- Hello, Hiroto. - he said. - Where we'll meet? We'll go to the shooting range?

- Hey, Taiyou. - I answered to him. - Yeah, we're going there. I'll be able to correct my archery. 

Boy laughed. He smiled up. 

- What to learn? You're the best at it. - he giggled.

I felt nice. My heart was full of happiness. I had to spend that time with my best friends.

- The best is my dad. - I ascertained. - But I'm also good. I'm trying to catch up with him.

He nodded. We talked.

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