Days in silence (Flowie)

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 In huge hall was dark, but bright light illuminated part, in where I located. I saw millions of forms similar to me. I knew. They were darkloids. Everybody waited. The closest one to me was tall person dressed in purple. He had huge flaws. He looked mightily and incredibly. This seemed, that he ruled in our community. I came to him and clenched on my right knee. I bowed. I said:

- Master, - I started. - I am at all your order.

He smirked, smiled up. He came to me close. 

- You could stand up. - he said. - Welcome to our community. What's your name, young lady? - he asked.

I stood up and raised my head with dignity. I smiled up. I put my hand to my chest.

- I'm Flower de fleur. - I said solemnly. - Also can call me Flower.  

He smiled up and nodded. It turned out, that this darkloid was named Shadoman. I  knew partly. Where I was and what I was created to do. Master came beside me. He said: 

- Come after me. 

We came to others. I stood in the middle. Even without that I was in the center of attention. Everybody were looking at me. They rated me. I looked around the throng. But my sight didn't stopped at anyone. I smiled up confidently. I felt myself succesfully. Our boss said a speech. But I didn't listen to him very well. I had a feeling, that someone was starring at me. I felt someone eyes on me. But I didn't react. I was waiting for goings-on.

 Celebrate was ended. I come out from there. I ran through the door of dark boardroom. I went outside from hall. Bright, outside light has blinded me for a second. I covered my eyes with arm. When my eyes didn't hurt me, I looked again in opened space. Blue, electric space was immense. I took deep breath in my lungs. It was amazing sight. I saw deeply blue pixels on cybernetic sky. Clouds of data flew above my head. I was breathing clear air. Cyber wind was blowing around my body. I felt cold breeze of electricity. Everything was in orderliness. That was amazing feeling. My eyes gleamed. In heart I felt admiration and emotion of ecstasy. First in my life, experience remembered forever. It was breathtaking. I became part of this world, part of community. I put next, shy steps in my life. I looked around carefully. Noone knew about me, noone knew, where I was. Around me was opened, cyber space and parts of various system's data. I was walking slowly through the system. I moved slowly, but cautiously. Everywhere was so calmly and quietly. But I didn't lose concentration. This world was friendly for me only seemingly. I was from here, but in truth this I was stranger. I looked around large, extending far away space. I was alone. Lonelines enveloped my heart. It was third feeling I experienced. But it wasn't that nice. I sighed. Walking from shadows to the light of hope.

 I walked beyond. Next hyphae of evidence formed above my head. I felt stronger with every step. Maybe it had a relationship with influence, what cyber world had on me. I had good feeling about everything. I looked ahead. In some distance I noticed the core of this system. I wanted come there. But I couldn't. It was guarded from destruction. Navi-guardians walked on this area. I hadn't chance with them. First day my body was too weak.I looked at it. Elements of steem was flowing in the electricity. It looked great. It was beautiful sight. Also in that I felt some danger. My lure. Destroying formation of people and their puppets could have resulted some free. But for now I hadn't chance. I would need more strength or someone help. But I didn't know noone. I looked at it. Armed navigators came around there.

- Hmmm... - I sighed.

I decided to go to Netcity and take a look. As long as I didn't destroy anything I was safe. 

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