Born of evil (point view of Plantman)

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  She was like some beautiful flower. Unknown flower made from pixels, eletric beauty. Small, but strong and dangerous. Created in cyber world. Program what world never seen before. I was one of persons, who saw it. Dark fog and shadows was spinnig. In darkness I saw her. Little, lightpurple and white body sinked in dark. She was so pure and innocent now. She stood up on her own feet and open her eyes. Purple eyes stared coldly with beauty. She was sufused in petals of white flowers. It was she, she was Flowie. 

 She knew, who she was and to what she was born. She knew, that she was created to fight. I knew, she was strong and adamant. She would never give up. She looked at her body. She clenched her fists, felt the power, which had been breathed into her. She smiled up. Everybody were looking at her. Flowie came ahead. She put her feet on the floor, walking. When she moved, after her were flying petals of flowers. She walked to our ruler and stood in front of him. Shademan stood up from his throne and said:

- Welcome to our community, young darkloid. - he said with raised voice. - What's your name?

She nodded and bowed to our chef. Celebrate was officially. Eveybody was currious of her and powers, what she had. But in hall was sorely quietly. It wasn't regale or entertainment party. Ceremony had some discuss. Darkloids had to fight for freedom and justice. We were oppressed and intimidated by navis and their puppeters. It was their world. And some who was in this from born were bulldozing by electric children's toys. It wasn't fair. Silent was breaking by words of Shademan. He discussed various things. His voice spoke with pain and hate, but was strong and confident. This was it. There was life.

 I looked at her. She reminded me something. But I didn't fall in my memories at this moment. She listened to words, which Shademan said. Her eyesight was focused and serious. 'She'll be convinced soon.' I thought.

- You, young Flower, could be important part. Remember about it. - he said. - Don't have any mercy for them.

She nodded. He fell silent. Meeting was ended. All darkloids logged out. But she didn't. I thought, that Flowie wanted to look around. I wouldn't be amazed. She was circumspect. She went outside. White personage ran out the door. I stood in place for a second. After a minute I woke up. She was gone.

- What are you going to do, Flowie?- I said to myself.

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