Only friend? part 2

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 ~ I'm sorry it wasn't parts for so long, but... I had idea, I just needed some elements to make it more interesting and not so fast with action. I hope that reading it will be nice form of spending time ^w^ ~

 I came back to Yukari's PET. I felt bad. But my net-operator noticed it. She knew. She nodded and took me away from there. I sighed. I sit behind the blue, cyber wall, leaning back on it. I was angry and frustrated. There was nothing, what I could do. I needed rest. PET was moving in bag of Yukari. She went across the streets. I heard some sounds from outside. I couldn't see anything. I was quiet by this time. I didn't think about nothing. I sit, leaning on the wall of cyber room. I just closed my eyes. Everywhere was so dark. I couldn't see the way to go ahead. It was so complicated and everything was against me. My heart was beating strongly from bunch of emotions. It was beggining, some of first days. It happened too much. My cybernetic heart hurted. I could feel it. I just learned about my own feelings. I experienced all of it first. These were amazing feelings. Time spended with friends. It everything was nice. But I had some uncertainty and reservations. Blue boy was interesting. Also with that things I already knew about him. But I also had quarrel with Roll. I sit, leaning on electric wall. 'I want to know him more. I miss him.' I thought. I didn't know, what will happen.

 I didn't notice, when I fell asleep. Everything was dark. I couldn't see nothing. I heard some voices, but I couldn't distinguish individual sounds. I felt gently rocking. I moved, but I didn't do any move. I didn't think aboutsource of voices or moves. In one moment everything stopped. Any sound or move couldn't be noticeable. It was silence and tranquility. My head fell down. I woke up. I opened my eyes slowly. Light has broken though my eyelids. I lay, leaning on the wall. I was in room of Yukari. My pet lay on her table. I saw operator. She was lying on her bed and read comic. She looked at me.

- Oh, you woke up already. - she smiled up to me.

I nodded. Cyber wind flew over my back. I shuddered. It was cold. I put my hands on my shoulders. I rubbed my arms. I smiled up gently. For this moment nothing had happening. I had just rest. My mind was clear. I sighed deeply. Temperature was calm. My owner still read. Her sight was focused on pages of little book. She waved her legs with excitement. We were in house of her by some time. I couldn't still keep pushing it away. She was my friend and only person, who was closest to me. She was my operator. I had to talk with her. Yukari first asked: 

- So what exactly happened in Net-city? - she said. 

I said her about my first day, first expresion, what cyber world have done to me, about my first friends and everything. World of internet was amazing. Netcity, where netnavis lived, was really breathtaking. Buildings intricately created of little pixels. Detals were unbelievabled. View of cold blue-white sky. Feeling of cold breeze and excitement, when I overstept the threshold of web. Fear and delight sensible during the combat. Gladness and pride I felt, when I won. But it wasn't a problem.

- I met Megaman. - I said her, when he saved my life from being deleted. 

His smile and nice temperament. He was like he was always up to help someone. His appearance wasn't bad. He had rather short tall, but he was very muscular. I saw in my mind his live, green eyes. I remembered when he held me in his arms and tried to calm me down. His gently touch what I felt. Cute smile on his face. I was dreaming. Girl smiled up and laughed quietly. 

- You look like you like him so much. - she noticed. 

- Ahh! - I shouted. - I don't know him much.

She nodded, smiling up.  I blushed so much. He was really nice. I didn't know him long. But it wasn't end. I could notice, that one of his friends didn't like me. I had a feeling it could be usefull. That really wasn't ended at all. I felt bunch of feelings, uncertainty...

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