My Little Star Girl

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Dougie and Merrie's parents met at the hospital, they were both getting an ultrasound to see the sex's of their baby. From that moment on their mothers became best friends, talking about babies was all they wanted to do and since they were both pregnant it seemed like a perfect situation.

As their pregnancies went on the closer the two families got, and one weekend at the end of November both of them went into labor. Baby Merrie was born at on the 28th and little Douglas two days after.

The two kids grew up as best friends, They went from two toddlers who played together in the sand pits, to two five year olds starting primary school, to two 11 year olds who started secondary school together. Both of them stated they loved one another like a sibling, even when they helped the other out of a break up or a bad time they would still hide their true feelings for the other.

Never leaving each others sides no matter what obstacle got in their way, well, that was until one audition..


"I got it!" an excitable, spikey haired, 15 year old Dougie yelled as he ran up to his best friend.

"You did?! That's incredible!" She gushed, pulling the surprisingly smaller boy into a hug.

"I know, I really didn't think I would get in" He said into her shoulder. Yes Dougie was ecstatic about being in the band but there was one downside, he had to leave his school, his family and his bestfriend. It almost made young Doug want to cry think about not seeing Merrie everyday like they did.

As they separated Merrie held onto Dougies arms at a short distance, she knew there was going to be a catch about him being in a band.

"What's the matter Doug?" She asked after he let out a long sigh.

"I'm moving" He said bluntly, quickly looking down to the ground to avoid her gaze.

"Wha- why - where?"

"Into the band house, it's only a few miles away. Its just easier for us to all be in the same place, I guess.."

"I'm sure I can visit you every weekend, it'll be like you never left" Merrie smiled, trying to convince the both of them.

"Yeah, yeah okay" Dougie pulled her into another hug, "best friends forever, right?"

Dougie left a week after that, he settled in quickly but really missed his bestfriend. So they did as promised, Merrie went down every weekend to see Doug and the other boys. That lasted for a couple of months until the boys would end up being busy because of their ever growing fame, and soon it became two weekends a month, one a month, one day..

They both knew they were going to see less and less of each other but they kept in touch, sending each other texts about big things that have happened, and they always made sure to send a little something for the others birthday. But as the Mcfly fandom grew the more popular they became.

And now Merrie was 23, it had been over four years since she last had any connection with Dougie. Of course she would hear bits about him. but always about the band and their new tour or album.

Merrie now worked for a new modelling agency called MOT Modeling, it was currently at its peak, all the models were wanted for at least one magazine. Ever since Merrie was small she loved clothes and heels, she always did little fashion shows for Dougie and their parents where she'd wear her mothers heels and tshirts as dresses. But now she was a big deal, everyone knew her name; from London to Beijing and everywhere in-between.

"You know what Amy" Merrie said to her co-worker and friend, they had just been let out of a three hour photo shoot in the dogey end of London and were wondering the streets.

"I think I'm ready" They stopped as they reached Merries red convertible,

"Ready for what?" Amy asked, sliding into the passenger seat. Merrie got in next to her,

"To start dating" Merrie smiled as she said it, she knew that being a full time model and attempting a relationship would be difficult but she was ready to try again.

"That's fab!" Amy announces, squealing. "about time too love, how many years has I been since you got any action?"

"Hey! Okay, yes it's been a while but you know how busy we've been" Merrie laughs, starting the car and heading off to Amy's flat.

They arrive and say their goodbyes, Amy mumbling some ridiculous nights out she was already planning. Merrie laughed along, regretting the whole 'I'm ready to date' part of their conversation.

Soon enough Merrie was back home, she put down the roof of her convertible and headed inside her lonely, dark apartment. Silence was what filled the room. Her shoes were soon off her feet and she snuggled into her comfortable bed with PJs already on. Her head rested on the pillow and she quickly felt all her exhaustion take over her, slowly she fell into a peaceful slumber.


Her head shot up, bed hair all over the place. her room was lit up from the bright light of her iPhone, she looked at the time on her alarm clock - 03:48.

"What the..?" She mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. The room went dark once again, she pondered for a second. 'this better be important' she though before grabbing her phone off the table.

It was from an un-known number: "Hey Merrie, yeah it's been a while. I was just wondering, well me and the boys are coming back from recording in LA tomorrow, and yeah I was thinking maybe we could catch up? -D x"

"D?" She mumbled, trying to rack through each name she knew beginning with D that she didn't have their number, but coming out blank.

She looked at the time again before texting back,

"Hi well um I'm sure if I knew who you were I would consider 'catching up' but until then I'm going back to sleep."

She was soon asleep once again, not disturbed once until her alarm at 8:15 and while she was getting ready for the day there was another text that came through;

"It's Dougie."


Hey guys I'm back!!!

*no one gives a crap*

This is actually only going to be a short book since its a personal one for MerrieBergin who asked me quite a while ago to be a part of a story!

This book will get better so just wait! Also there should be two other books coming soon too so if you're a 1D fan or 5sos fan come follow me so you get notified when they come out!

See you soon ~ Alika x

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