A Letter for PT

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"A Letter for PT"

Why are some people like that?
Smiling with hidden intentions, keeping up a ludicrous façade, and when we can't give them what they want, they'd pout, ridicule, and complain.

What do these people really want?
They act like they know everything there is about you, and they hurt you to the point of doubting your existence.

Was I really selfish that I couldn't read through these mixed signals or stupid because I couldn't care anymore than I could?
Your "I want's" are suffocating me to the core, and it has been to this point where my happiness doesn't really concern you.

Don't make me laugh when you say you care.
Your eyes don't lie when the ocean beneath it is far too dark and deep to love.
You are the walking nightmare you never thought of.

So stop putting the blame on me!
I'm not a golden pedestal at your service.
Don't think I don't know anything about this.

I'm no longer the naïve girl you thought I'd be.

(c) WhiteSecrets715 2018.

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