When Does A Day End?

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"When Does A Day End?"

When does a day end?
Is it when the sun sets?
The moon rises?

A Death?

When does a day end?

Is it when a gun's fired?

An arrow soaring through?

An ended Desire?

When does a day end?
When your eyes close?

When your breath breathes no more?

When darkness echoes?

My days end like this...
I look up at that white ceiling,

Stare at it through the darkness,
Hear the wind singing,

I'd think what I did that day,

Regret all I want,
Teach myself to grow,
Drown in visions that haunt,

Then my mind would grow weary,
My eyelids would start to meet,

My soul'd start to travel,

That's when I sleep.

But it never ends there,
I'd wake up again;
Tomorrow's another day to ask:

When does a day end?

(c) WhiteSecrets715 2015.

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