Funny Not

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Funny Not

It's funny how the lightest of feathers carry the heaviest burden.
It's funny how much words can damage a person more than brutality.
It's funny how silence can be the loudest among noises.
It's funny how the darkest colors shine the brightest.

But you know what isn't funny?
The inner demons that eat you up every single night.
The unspoken things that are thought to be better left unsaid.
The things you want to scream to the world.
The days when loneliness is found within a crowd.
The dawn conversations forever lost in memories.
The you who has vanished into thin air.
The emptiness of life itself.
The feeling of not living.

It's funny how humans carry on with these.
It's funny how people live sacrificing their souls.
It's funny how money degrades the system of humanity.
It's funny how freedom is temporary.

Why do we have to live like that?
Cause we're frightened of the future.
We're afraid.
Enough said.

(c) WhiteSecrets715 2017.

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