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It's what we think about,
What occupies our hours,
What we forget or remember,
These are what we call "Scars".

Some people are afraid to show it,
Some people have no choice but to;

It has many different forms;

Sometimes, it can ruin you.

It could be a measly sin,
It could even be mortal,
Nevertheless, whatever it may be,
It's an overdue battle.

These could be our struggles in life,

These could be our fears,

How did fright ever equate...

To what damaged us all these years?

When did it start mocking us?
When did it become shame?
When all these were gotten...

When no one took the blame?

Is it our fault we were marked?
Is it our fault when we ached?
Is it our fault all the time,
For goodness' sake!

These Scars made us stronger.

Wear it proud and clear!

Tell those untainted people

What has gotten you here.

Sure, you're a defect--
An abomination!
But you know better than anyone else
In this damned nation.

The broken ones are stronger
Than those who lived pristine;

This world has yet to discover...

What has not been seen.

Physically, Mentally, Emotionally scarred,
Socially deprived, and a nuisance--
That's who we are, that's what we're called;
But that, that's what makes us...human.

(c) WhiteSecrets715 2015. 

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