Stupid Decisions

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Love Bites

"Stupid Decisions"

All Rights Reserved

© 2013 Nelly and Kaylen

*Warning: Mature Content. You've been warned ;)*

            And so I did as I was told. I wore the sexiest thing I could find in my closet, which practically was everything. See, kickass clothing required being comfortable---and I was oh so comfortable wearing tight leather.

            As promised Landon was outside my door at exactly eight pm. He was wearing dark jeans and a black buttoned down shirt, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his jet black hair looked as if he had just finished having rough sex.

            With him, he might as well have. Who knows?

            "Hey there sexy," Landon whispered as he hooked his arm around mine, pulling me out the door. "You're the only girl I know that can rock a tight leather dress that shows nothing but skin."

            I smirked. Landon knew the right buttons to push if he wanted any meat tonight.

            As I said before, we're not having sex. A bit of make out sessions, yes, but no more than that. Now you might be wondering, what the hell?! I thought you said all males deserved to die and that they were scum and yada yada yada. Yeah, well Landon was my first crush.

            He was the first guy to ever come to my house and meet my dad when he was alive. He held me when I cried my eyes out every night. He stuck with me when I went through my metamorphosis; yes I was not always like this.

            Hell I was the opposite of what I am now. But after my dad left...nothing could ever be the same. I couldn't fake my happiness and be the chirpy girl everyone knew. My dad had been killed because I was a weak wolf. And no one and I mean no one¸ could ever change my mind about this. I would never again lose anyone dear to me because of weakness. Ever.

            As if sensing my anger, Landon draped his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "Let lose tonight, love. Don't let anyone get in between you and your happiness,"

            And on that happy note, we sped off in his 2013 jet black Camaro.


            I giggled at Landon as he took another drink and slammed the cup on the bar. "Damn that was sour!"

            We had been taking shots, mixes actually trying to guess what they had been---so far we got all of them wrong.

            The music was thudding loud in my ears and against my body. The strobe lights of the club flickered from different colors overhead and the sexual pheromones in the atmosphere made me feel high.

            It felt good. Being with Landon was always good. At night he became the dominant man I longed for in a mate but at day he would let me whip him around with whatever I could whip him with. Unless I wanted otherwise.

            I loved that about him. I could choose whatever I wanted to do with him and he wouldn't say no.

            We didn't love each other like we had back when we were younger but we were there whenever we needed comfort or whenever we felt like our hormonal desires needed to be sated. He was my best friend---with very naughty benefits.

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