Realization is a Bitch

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Love Bites

"Realization is a Bitch"

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© 2013 Luna & Kaylen


Ivy's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open to a bright light. I flinched away from it, squinting my eyes shut and breathed in softly.

Am I finally dead? Did it work? Did I bleed to death and escape my misery?

The ringing in my ears and the mouthwatering scent I was picking up, pointed otherwise. I was alive.

I could begin a rant, telling you that in my deep slumber I talked to a greater being, who told me what I had to do. I could tell you that She told me that I wasn't supposed to die yet. I could also tell you that She told me why my mate didn't mate me. But if I did, I'd be lying.

In that blackout, I could hear voices. Voices pleading me to fight for my life, to not let that heartbreak kill me and that I wasn't meant to die. But I didn't want to listen to those voices.

I simply wanted to embrace the cold waves of the dark and never wake up. In the darkness I was happy, the heartbreak didn't hurt and I couldn't feel the pain of my wounds.

But now? Now I felt all of that and more.

Taking slow deep breaths, I tried to ignore the constant beeping of the stupid heart monitor and the footsteps of people walking outside my room. I tried to open my eyes again slowly and expected to be in a white room...because don't all patients that were dead wake up in a white room?

Well I didn't. This room was light blue with cream colors dancing along the edges. The curtains were a soft peach color and the sun shining bright through them made them turn into a light orangey color.

I slowly looked around the room and groaned. I was in a hospital. No one knows how much I hate them. They smelled like dirty old people and there was just so much death!

The difference of this room, though, was the scent. The freaking smell had my mouth watering like crazy and my Wolf stirring uncomfortably.

I recognized it everywhere I went. It was a male's scent---and that male was Cameron.

It was unbelievably addicting. I always wanted more; I wanted to drown myself in his delicious scent. It smelled like home, protection, warmth, woods and it was so damn evocative.

I didn't know why. I mean he already mated Melody but I still had feelings for him. It's not like I was going to wake up and be like, "Hey world, I don't love Cameron anymore," because if it were that easy, believe you me I would've done it as soon as I woke up.

The feeling I felt as my mate mated someone else was inexplicably hurtful. What hurt the most was my heart, it was as if someone grabbed it, squeezed it to then stab it over and over it again until there was nothing left.

Inside I had felt empty and especially unwanted---a feeling that I never wanted to feel again. And that was exactly what drove my Wolf to almost commit suicide.

I do remember James trying to resuscitate me by mouth to mouth and I remember him carrying me into the hospital screaming like a mad man. I wished that he could've been my mate. At least he wouldn't have hurt me the way that that man did.

With a soft screech, the door opened and in came a weary-looking James. "Ivy!"

I small smile tugged at my lips and I croaked, "Hi."

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