Nightmare of a Sister

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Love Bites

"Nightmare of a Sister"

All Rights Reserved

© 2013 Nelly and Kaylen


"Dad!" I woke up with a gasp. Damn nightmares, again.

I clutched my chest as it heaved, leaving me gasping for air. I sat up on my Queen sized bed, looking around the room with wide eyes at the dark shadows that were cast on every inch of the corners of the dimly lit chamber, all by the light of the crescent moon.

Dried tears stained my cheeks; I could feel the stickiness of the trails. All because of a dream, more like a nightmare, that had happened three years ago - exactly three years ago, today.

I glanced over at the clock and sighed. It was 3:37 in the morning and without my pills there was no way in hell I was going back to sleep. I threw the red silk covers off my legs and slowly made my way to the door.

Silence and shadows accompanied me all the way down to the kitchen and past my two brothers' rooms.

Kristoff and Jaylin.

The two people that had managed to bring me up and keep me alive. The only two people that brought a true smile to my face and made my father's absence seem less painful.

I had been acting better; at least, compared to the last two years, I was a mature she-wolf. No longer did I snap at everyone (unless they deserved it), no longer did my wolf try to rip everyone that tried to help me to shreds .

I chuckled as I remembered when they had tried to send me to a foster home. My wolf did not like that and neither did I. I didn't belong with humans. I knew who I was and I wasn't afraid And that is exactly why everyone is afraid of big bad Ivy.

I shook my head as I took some of the pain relief pills in my hand and turn on the faucet to get a bit of water.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Jaylin asked from the couch.

I shook my head and silently looked down at my hands. I heard his weight shifting on the black leather of the couch and with every step he took, his shoes made a squeaky noise. Jay "What's wrong, Vi?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "It's nothing."

He exhaled, his deep baritone voice sending warmth through my body as he said; "I'm not stupid Vi. I know something's wrong. Now what is it? Who do I need to beat to a pulp?"

I chuckled. What kind of question was that? The last time Jaylin or Kristoff had to threaten a guy was when I was in sixth grade---which was a long way back.

A smile spread across his small lips and he said, "Now that's what I like to see. So tell me what's wrong."

I sighed and whispered, "The nightmare came back."

Jay's jaw clenched, his fists scrunched into balls, and the veins on his neck popped out. "Ivy, that happened three years ago. And we promised that we would find this asshole and make him pay for what he did to dad."

"I know...but it still hurts, Jay." My voice cracked a little, which was a bit of a surprise. I tried to show no emotion but arrogance and superiority---at least I did towards the male population of this stupid planet.

My brother wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace and whispered, "Shhh, I'm here Vi. No one will hurt you ever again and if they do they better be ready to live in hell. Because I personally will bring it to them."

I smiled and he stroked my brunette curls behind my ear. "Now be happy and go to sleep. Dad wouldn't want you up this late. Besides if Kris comes home and finds you out of bed my sexy ass is sleeping out with the Rogues."

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