Taste of Poison

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Love Bites

"Taste of Poison"

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© 2013 Luna & Kaylen


Ivy's POV

A couple of days had gone by after the "incident." I still had nightmares of it. I don't remember much but from what Cameron told me and the bits I still recalled, it was the worse night of my life.

The little bit I remember has to do with Irene. I was scared because Melody told me that she hadn't seen her and everywhere I asked, no one knew of her, so as terrified as I was; I went out to look for her in the woods.

I was focused only on finding Irene, I needed to know that she was okay but I never found her because as I stopped to sniff the air since the scent had suddenly changed into something feminine but definitely not Irene, someone hit me on the head and dragged me away.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a box. I have a phobia and that's being buried alive. I don't care what torture tactics you use on me, I won't crack. But you bury me alive and you have me like a ventriloquist does a doll.

I could still feel the little disgusting bugs crawling all over my body shamelessly as I cried and punched my fists into the box. Every time I did, I could feel and hear the droplets of dirt hitting down the box, letting me know that I was buried.

When someone is scared, they go into panic mode and when they're in that mode, all rational thinking stops. I remember heaving and gasping for air as I slowly felt that I had used up all of my oxygen. I couldn't cry anymore, the tears had been used up.

I was sweaty, terrified, dying, and the fucking box wouldn't prop open. That's all I remember.

Cameron told me that he found me and took me home but that's where it gets...weird. For some reason, my dreams with Cameron had suddenly turned sexual, so sexual that the night he found me, I dreamt he...uh...you know...feasted of me or feasted me. I don't know! But he tasted my lower area and it might have been the best dream of my life.

The way he worked his tongue was magical and it was worth a curl-your-toes-and-scream-your-head-off-because-this-orgasm-is-fucking-good. Sadly it was all a dream and I desperately wanted it to be real.

I was too scared to ask Cameron because he already had a mate and because I knew I didn't have any chance with him.

And sadly...I loved Cameron. I, Ivy Scarlett Pierce, loved Alpha Cameron Nicola Willows with all my heart.

I didn't know that I was capable of this disgusting emotion. I didn't think it was possible, I mean a wolf could only fall in love with his mate---but I? I stupidly fell in love with the Alpha of the NightWalkers.

The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way he ran his fingers through his hair when he was nervous, the way he treated Irene so sweetly that night---it all made me realize that I wanted a mate. And I wanted Cameron to be my mate.

But we can't all have what we want, right? I mean today was the full moon, which meant that Cameron was going to mate Melody tonight at the stroke of midnight---it sounds so much like a fairytale but for the mating to be complete, the couple had to be under the influence of the full moon.

I was told that mating with the love of your life was something worth dying for and I would never get to find out. Simply because I knew that I would never love someone as much as I loved that stupid Alpha.

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