What A Girl Wants

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Love Bites

"What a Girl Wants"

All Rights Reserved

© 2013 Nelly & Kaylen


                       *Warning: Sexy Alpha on action. You've been warned ;)*

Ivy's POV

I smirked, resting my hands on my hips and tilted my head to the side eyeing his beautiful brown eyes. Oh gawd what the hell did I just say?!

Cameron looked up at me with raised eyebrows and said, "Ms. Pierce,"

I leaned forward, bending over his desk and whispered, "Why is it Ms. Pierce again?" I tried to use my most seducing voice---it was working...whatever the hell it was that I was doing.

"Don't you remember last time, I wasn't Ms. Pierce." I kneeled on the desk, carefully playing with his dark collar and purred, "I was Fuck Ivy," I grinned down at him seductively and whispered, "Remember?"

I pressed a gentle kiss to the side of his temple and whispered, "Because I do. I remember how your hands trembled when you were trying to take off my shirt and how hungry your eyes got when you saw my black lacey bra."

A low guttural sound escaped his lips and I purred silently. What the fuck was I doing?! I was practically on his lap---but it felt good...

"Ivy," he growled, sounding a bit strangled, as if he were fighting with himself about something, "you don't know what you're doing."

"Mm," I moaned into his ear, "you think I'm afraid of the big bad wolf?"

I was getting to him. I could feel it and see it...so whatever it was that I wanted to get done, was working. Cameron growled something incomprehensible under his breath and next thing I know, he's pinning my hands against either side of me against his mahogany hardwood desk.

"You shouldn't have said that," he growled threateningly, nipping at my neck.

I gasped, arching my body off the desk as white hot fire spread from my stomach all around, making me purr in delight at the warmth it caused. "Then what should I have said?"

His teeth grazed my earlobe hungrily and something inside of me snapped when his voice changed; it was huskier, deeper, darker.

Cameron's Wolf had taken over.

"You should've stayed quiet." He nuzzled his nose deeper in my neck and whispered, "In fact, my darling, you should've stayed away from me."

I smirked. "Oh really?" He groaned as I ran my fingers through his hair and brought his face closer to mine, letting my breath tickle his lips. "And why is that?"

In a hot second his lips were pressed against mine. The kiss was raw, pure passion poured from it and it was nothing like the kisses I had shared with James. This was dominant, hungry, powerful---and achingly delicious.

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