Deadly Green

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Love Bites

"Deadly Green"

All Rights Reserved

© 2013 Luna & Kaylen


Ivy's POV

Irene stared at me with wide eyes as I gently pried her fingers off my wrist. Her bright hazel eyes shone with fear as I knelt down and kissed her forehead.

"Stay here okay? I'll be back soon."

She shook her head and said, "No, please don't go Ivy!"

I smiled sadly and hugged her tightly, handing her over to Casey. "Make sure she stays here with you okay? Don't let her come near us at all, understood?"

Casey nodded and I took a deep breath as I turned around, to face the asshole. I clenched my fists at my sides and raised my chin as I glared at him with such hatred; I thought he could feel it through my gaze.

"So how are you going to do this?" He asked, staring at me interestedly.

"I'll fight all of you," I smirked, "in my Human form."

He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Why would you do that? You just want to die, don't you?" He grinned, "You know if death is what you wish, I'll give it to you in exchange for one night."

I laughed, a sound so cold and heartless, it even scared me. "You just see if I beat your pack or not."

"Very well," he grinned showing straight white teeth. "Caius," he turned to a bulky sexy god next to him, "show her how it's done."

It may sound stupid but I was a very good fighter when in my Human form. I didn't know why, only the Luna's had the ability to fight like I did in this form and it was because they were more graceful and light. And that wasn't the only thing that was rare about me.

I also had a weird immunity. You see, only Alpha's are immune to mistletoe and wolf bane---and I wasn't an Alpha and I had that immunity. I guess my mom really knew what she was doing when she chose Ivy as my name.

Last but not least, it was very uncommon for a female fighter to just fight in her bare claws if she wasn't in her Wolf form, so she had to use some kind of protection. Mines happened to be daggers. Oh but not just any kind of daggers, they were my daggers.

Just like its owner, it was designed to kill.

The handle was basically a bronzed skull with long fangs. The blade was beautiful and deadly. Since I had that awesome immunity against wolf bane and mistletoe, I had created a poison, in which I would dip my daggers and let them soak in the venom. So in other words my daggers could kill any Wolf if I fought them.

I hadn't used these babies in a while since I only used them when I was in battle or an attack against Rogues, but they were still as amazing as they were when I first got them on my 12th birthdate.

As I took out my blade from my boot, the leader of the pack looked at it and chortled. "Oh the little girl is going to use a wittle knife."

I grinned, venomously and caressed the cold metal with my fingers. "This little girl as you call me will shove this wittle knife up your ass."

He chuckled some more and I stared up at Caius. He grinned, his dark brown eyes gazing deep into my cold soul and I watched with a grin as he shifted into his brown wolf. Nothing too exciting, I may add.

Caius began circling me, staring at me with a malicious glint in his eyes and barred his teeth at me. I tightened my hold on the blade and waited for his first move. Caius charged at me with wide sharp canines out ready to skin me alive but I dodged him and quickly grabbed unto his tail.

Love BitesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora