Poisonous Whispers

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Love Bites

"Poisonous Whispers"

All Rights Reserved

© 2013 Luna & Kaylen


Ivy's POV

He walked in with grace. He held his head with such posture that everything about him screamed power.

And it gave me a feeling of terrifying thrill.

"Ivy," he growled. The warm chocolate color of his eyes were nowhere to be found, in their place was a color bright as honey.

I whimpered at the way my name rolled off his tongue and looked up at him. There was something telling me that I was stronger than this. I didn't have to give in to him at all. I was a fighter...but there was also another voice, a much louder voice screaming at me to do whatever it was that would please him.

"Come here, Baby Doll." Cameron knelt on the bed, crawling towards me and I shuddered underneath him as the warmth radiating off him wrapped around my trembling body.

He pressed a soft kiss to the side of my lips and I closed my eyes, unable to fight the urge of dominance; I'd just submit into his desire.

Cameron trailed his fingers slowly down the side of my body as he kept pressing gentle kisses to my collarbone; exactly where his mark belonged. The military dog chain dangling from his neck, left a cold pattern down my warm skin as he moved around, kissing me gently. But never did he kiss my lips; it was like they were forbidden to him.

Even though that's not what I wanted.

My body arched upwards as he trailed his right hand downward my body, reaching the silk line of my underwear. Cameron muttered soft and loving whispers into my skin, where his lips brushed across my collarbone, as he dipped his finger inside of my underwear, alighting me with a fire hotter than hell itself.

I dug my fingers into the bed, clawing at the mattress as Cameron slid his finger around; they never went inside my hole, they just teased. I chewed my bottom lip into my mouth as Cameron lowered his kisses over my small breasts and travelled downward my V-line as he brushed his heavenly lips over my tattooed poison leaves.

Anticipation bubbled inside my stomach as I realized what was about to happen. My breathing sped up and I gasped as he gently slid my underwear down my legs. A soft breeze met my intimate area as Cameron blew gently on it and I curled my toes.

He slid off the bed and wrapped his arms around my thighs, pulling me closer to him. My hands trembled at my sides as he raised my body up to his face and lowered his head. Shuddered gasps escaped my lips as he pressed soft kisses to the inside of my thighs, trailing down to meet my v-line.

"I've been waiting so long for this," his breath fanned over me, making me squirm underneath him uncomfortably.

Cameron tightened his hands around my thighs and I gasped as he dipped his tongue in slowly, starting from my nub and finishing its journey by my inner lips.

My left hand flew up to my face as I bit down on my finger and dug my right fingers deep into the mattress, trying to keep my pleasured shrieks inside the room.

Cameron smirked up at me; looking like the sexiest devil I've ever seen and ran his tongue back up to rub circles on my nub with the tip of it. I arched my back, curling my toes and shaking to keep my legs open for him.

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