The End~ please read

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I know I kind of ended things real quick.

It's been almost a year since I started this book and I feel like crying now that it ended. I'm kind of sad that I didn't make it as good as it should have been. I like really hate myself for how horrible i made the ending.

Which is why if you are not happy with the way the things in this book went. I am willing to make a 2nd book and will make if less drama for y'all lol.

But I really want to thank everyone who read My Prince. It means so much for me. Even though the views and vote are low, that is something I don't care for because that wasn't the reason why I started this.

I started this book was because being an BTS fan, and seeing how hard BTS tries to comfort and be there for their fans. It really made me want to do something like that. And you will see this in my future books. But in these stories, within each character I wanted to teach you or have you learn something.

Each character has their own story, their own lessons.

For example Jae-Hwa,

to me she was someone who I wanted to grow to be like. She was someone who stood up for what she believed in. She never listened when others where trying to tell her what to do with her life. And through her I wanted to show y'all to believe in yourself, and that no matter how hard something is, never give up. As humans we go through many things. And life isn't the same without ups and downs. I feel like we are always pressure by someone or something to be what society wants us to be like. There is a list of things that make you a higher and better person. And if you don't meet that list/ expectation you are an outcast, a lower person. Someone who shouldn't be called normal.

And I hope you learn or know that you are you and that is the best you can ever be. No matter who you are or what you look like. No one can ever tell you that they are better than you or that you can never be on the same level as them. Yes, we do each go through different things but you aren't alone and that doesn't make you weird. Different is something amazing, never forget that.

But also Jae Hwa is surrounded by insecurity and she has so much anger and negative things in her head. And she knows that but doesnt know how to change or calm down her anger. its normal for her so she doesnt that she needs to chill. It just to show how no mattet hoe confident or brave someone if there is also some flaws in them

Another example is Ara,

Ara is me. Someone who I feel really close with. In her past she went through some horrible things. And because of that she built this wall, and put on this mask. She kept her self hidden. Her emotions and the things she is going through doesn't matter. She kept it all hidden pretend to be happy and okay. Her main job was to keep others happy, help them so they don't go what she went through. It was all about others, never her. And she liked it that way. She thought she was happy that way.

I feel like a lot of people do this. Keeping in emotions, not wanting to ask for help. Pretending everything is okay. And I know you probably heard this from other people, but it's true. I know keeping things to yourself is easier. I been through that. It's the easiest thing to do but can cause the most damage to yourself. It's hard in the beginning, but that is normal. Nothing is easy in the beginning, i wish things would be done in a blink of an eye. But that's not how the world works. Even if you feel lonely, there are 7 billion people in the world and I'm sure if you put away that negative thought. There will be someone who you can talk, cry, etc. to. Being strong doesn't mean build a wall so you can't ever get hurt again. It's knowing that you are able to express your emotions openly.

a quote i like and want y'all to know is "The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain."

Okay, I won't go on and explain all the characters. I'm sorry I got super deep in my feelings about this. lol anyways i'm grateful to you all!

I love you alllll!

Ara Yoon.

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