Chapter 35: I Love You

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I watched as my mother sat in the kitchen looking through the box of my father's stuff. I wanted to go and talk to her but we didn't really have that close of an relationship where we could talk about our feelings with each other.  She stood up with 3 envelopes  in her hands. 

"Jungkook, Ara can you take Han-na and Han-kuk to their rooms. I have to talk with the older kids." She said with a weak smile.

"Sure." Jungkook said lifting up a sleepy Han-kuk. Ara and Han-na following him to their bedroom

"Okay. Right after Jae-Hwa moved to the palace. Your father started to write these letters. He said that in the future if something happens to him, give these letters to you." 

I took my letter not wanting to open it. These were my last words from my father.  I took a deep breath and opened it.

Seeing his hand writing made me want to cry.

My dear Jae-hwa,

Out of all of the other letters. Yours were the hardest one to write. I love my children equally but ever since you were born you has a special place in my heart. I always knew you would be an amazing person. Ever since you were little, when you learned a new language or instrument or finally figure out to sing an higher note than before. Every moment I was proud of you. 

You were always someone who knew what was right and wrong. And you always tried what ever you could  to fix a problem. When you found something that your heart loves you would do anything for it.  When I first saw you sneaking out of the house to met Jimin, I was so proud. At that moment I knew that I could trust you to do what your heart wants. I knew that your heart was pure. 

I'm glad that being with Jimin taught you that you are willing to do/ go through anything as long as if you have the one you love. And I thank Jimin for that. (Please tell him that) He showed you that you should never leave someone because of who they are or what things happen when being with them.

And now I'm glad that you have Jungkook. Though he has told me that you've taught him more than he could. I do believe that being with him and walking through his shoes has taught you many things. Like how  you should never just believe what other people want to show you. You never know what someone is going through. And you never know the real them unless you go and see it for yourself. And even then, they can still hide things from you. You may think you know someone but it's not heard to put on a fake mask. 

I feel like you are slowly starting to learn that and I too had learn that. We jump to conclusion, thinking we know everything and we let our emotions take over us. And that is something I deeply regret, and I hope you don't do what Appa did. 

My favorite quote from a book I read called Under The Mask (JJK FF By @tasskook)

"Forbidden they say, there is nothing such as forbidden when it comes to love, when it comes to our hearts we chose to be together even if the whole world will be against us, we promised each other to stay strong and protect our son. We passed through rough times together that teach us a lesson every time we got hurt, and we know this is not the end, we did a lot but there is still a lot more to do and accomplish. Be who you wanna be, and love who you wanna love, don't waste your time crying over stupid actions and decisions you took. Human, Black flower, Demon or Angel, you're still gonna commit mistakes so stop hiding under a mask." 

I know that you won't let the world push you to be someone you aren't. (I wish I had learned that) Maybe I'm wrong, but I just want to tell you to keep fighting . No matter what happens, you can cry for a few days. But don't spend your whole life crying because you won't ever be able to fix things.  I know you don't want the big things that everyone else wants but what ever it is. Don't give up. Go after what it with all you have. 

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