Guide- Important I guess lol

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Okay so I was explaining my story to my best friend and I realizes that there are going to be things that might confuse you like the Ranks and all that. So let me explain it 

Ranks/Castes: In the story, you will hear a lot about castes or ranks. in the story, these are really important because these numbers represent the characters. So in the story the country lives in a Castes system, where the amount of money they have or what caste they were born in will determined what number they get (Lol I hope this makes sense, my cousin wanted to do a castes system in the story and like we spent hours of her just explaining everything to me lmao)  Okay for example Ones, they are the riches and highest rank, aka the royal family. As for Nines, they are the poorest and the low of the lowest rank. 


Ones: Are the Royal family. The prince, princess, queen, and king are all Ones. Family of the royal people

Twos:  Celebrities, Models, athletes

Threes: Police officers, guards, and military members

Fours: Inventors, Philosophers, Scientists, Doctors, Architects, Engineers, Film director, Producers, Lawyers and etc. 

Okay, so those ranks, 1- 4 are the higher class if you are a 5 and below you are known as the Poor and lower class people.

Fives: Chefs, managers, business owners and teachers

Sixes:  (not popular/ underground) Singers, dancers, photographer, artists, anything of some sort of Arts. Although some Artist get famous which wouldn't make them artists but celebrities. But that's only if they make enough money to buy uo their rank.

Sevens: Waiters/waitresses, movers, housekeepers/ maids/ butler, seamstresses, deliveries, cooks and those who work at small shops. 

Eights: Gardners, Construction workers, farmers, track collectors, ditch diggers, Miners, 

Nine: Mentally/ physically unwell, abandoned/orphaned people, drug users/addicts, runaways, homeless, traders 

The ranks you are born in is what jobs you have. If you are a 5 you can not do the works of a 3.

You are able to move up ranks but you would need to make and continue to have the same amount of money as that rank.

Another way to move up ranks is if you were, for example, a 5 and then join the military, you change into a 3 and gets to stays a 3. But your family stays a 5 unless u get married and have a kid then they get to be a 3 but your parents or siblings dont unless u become a part of the royal family

Another way to change your rank is if you marry someone who is in that rank. For example, Jae-Hwa's older sister married a 4 so she isn't a 6 anymore but a 4.

I really hope this makes sense lol, please ask me any questions 

okay now Province, I hope you guys know what that is if you don't please google it because I'm too lazy to tell you but anyways South Korea has 9 provinces

1. Gyeonggi Province- This is where Jungkook lives. Aka where Seoul is

2. Gangwon Province

3. North Chungcheong Province

4. South Chungcheong Province

5. North Gyeongsang Province

6. South Gyeongsang Province - Jae-Hwa and Jimin live in the South Gyeongsang Province aka where busan is

7. North Jeolla Province 

8. South Jeolla Province

9. Jeju Province

I should have really paid attention to class when I lived in Korea LOL anyways hopefully this is all correct. 

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