Chapter 9: The Headmaster's Confrontation

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During second period, Creative Writing, I completely threw myself into my love story. I had really created an amazing world for Melanie and Hudson to fall in love in. Everything I looked at inspired me, and I couldn't type up chapters fast enough. The pair met at a common place, school. They didn't know each other at first, but grew to know the other person more, and eventually fell into a deep, passionate, love. Hudson was one of the best OMC's I've made in awhile. I was almost in love with him myself. With his green eyes, dark curly hair, and cheeky attitude, he was just irresistible. If only my Hudson was actually real. I was still fully immersed in my own little world that I didn't notice when Professor Gould came over to my seat.

"Alice, Headmaster Hodges wishes to speak with you in her office. Take all of your things."

At first, I was extremely irritated that I was so rudely interrupted. This trip to see Hodges was taking away from my writing time. Then, my irritation turned to concern. What I had done to be called to see the headmaster? I was sure it was to accept an award of some sort. I had only ever been called to the office for that purpose, and I was sure now was no exception. When I finally reached the large, stone building at the front of campus, I travelled down to her office. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Harry. Was he going to watch me accept my writing award?

"Miss McDowell. Please have a seat." Headmaster Hodges gestured to the seat next to Harry.

I reluctantly sat down.

"Now, I'm sure both of you know why I asked to see you today. Of course, seeing as I pulled you from class, I feel it is extremely important to address."

My eyes widened in fear. I wasn't accepting an award. What had I done?!

"Both security detail, and security cameras have caught the two of you together multiple times since the year has begun. During all of these instances, you were alone, and it was after hours. Both of you have been to the other's dormitories after dark, and as I'm sure you're aware, that is against school policy." Hodges looked disappointed.

My face began to pale. I knew I was being watched on those late night walks with Harry.

"I'm sure you are also aware of the dating policy here at Priority Major." She stared us down. "I don't have much time, so I'm going to cut right to the chase. Are you, or are you not in a secret relationship?"

My head whipped to the left, and met Harry's frightened glance. His eyes were as wide as mine. His green eyes. He ran a hand through his hair. His dark curly hair.

"No, no, no!" Harry stuttered. "We're not dating! Alice? Absolutely not, I would never."

Holy shit. I had written my love story, and based Hudson around Harry. How could I have been so blind?!

I did my best to shake away my troubling thoughts. I would have to sort them out later. For now, I had to plead my case to Hodges.

"Headmaster Hodges, I am so sorry for causing all of this trouble, but my relationship with him is purely platonic." I explained. "We had been working on a Geology project together, lost track of time, and before we knew it, it was late! Like a gentleman, he saw me home safely. Once again, I express my sincerest apology that we broke any rule. It was unintentional, and I assure you, it won't happen again!" I was on the verge of tears. I just couldn't get in trouble.

Hodges looked over to Harry.

"What she said!" He stammered, scared out of his mind as well. We couldn't risk being thrown out of this amazing school.

"Mr. Styles and Miss McDowell, I believe you. Seeing as you are both new students, I will let you off with a warning."

We both breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, if I see you back here, there will be consequences. Please re-familiarize yourselves with the policies in your student handbooks, and stay out of trouble. Both of you have extraordinary talent, and I would hate to see you leave PMA."

"Thank you so much!" I stood up.

"Third period has begun. Please get to class."


"You based Hudson on Harry, and didn't know about it?" Emma exclaimed. I had already filled her in on my meeting this morning with Hodges, and now about the burning problem I still had.

"Yes!" I sighed, throwing myself back onto my bed. "What does this even mean?"

"You said yourself that you wished you had a real life Hudson! Harry's it!" Emma reasoned. "I'll bet somewhere deep down, you have some sort of love for him."


"You can't deny me this: He's not ugly. Harry's beautiful even." Emma brushed some hair out of her face.

"No matter what he looks like, I can't continue writing about Hudson now! All I'll be thinking about is Harry! Do you know how creepy that is?! I even subconsciously made their names similar!" I whined.

"It's too late to start over now. You'll just have to continue on with him. It won't be so bad. And it's not creepy... He's just your inspiration. Don't tell me you haven't written about someone in your life before. Even if the person was just a minor character. I certainly have." Emma reminded me.

"Harry's just made my life a whole lot harder."

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