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The on screen rivalry between Y/N and Shinskue led them to be the main card on the SummerSlam Pay-Per-View.The match itself was a for-sure instant classic as soon as the two of you began the lockup until one was pinned for the three count.You put on the best performance of your career sacrificing your body to claim the United States Championship.

Corey:Nakamura VS Y/N! I can feel the end is coming!

You sprint to the ropes to deliver a discus elbow only for Shinskue to turn it around into a quick pin.



The crowd sighs in relief seeing you kick out quickly getting back to your feet to strong irish whil him outside to the mat.
When you run to the ropes you attempt a suicide dive into Shinskue, he side steps it into a pele kick making you take quite a fall to the mat.

He slowly gets in the ring taking a breather when the referee starts the ten count.

The kick definitely took a toll on you.The match needed to end now.

Groggily Y/N rolls into the ring into position for Kinshasa.When Shinskue goes for it you grab his leg to finally finish him off with Y/F going for the pin.




The stadium goes into a frenzy.You prop yourself using the ropes for balance raising a hand in the air.The referee hands you the title.For this moment you just stare at the Championship that you had longed for so long.You take it in your hands hopping to the second rope raising it high in the air.





When you walk back into the curtains the whole Smackdown Live roster gives you a warm welcoming as United States Champion.You couldn't help but feel a little emotional when you saw Liv with tears streaming down her face.You two instantly let the emotions go when you hugged.

Liv.The most important perfect person in Y/N's life.The two of you have been through a lot leading up this and to say the least it was all worth it.

Liv was having trouble finding the words to speak.

"Y/N...I am so proud of you!"

"We did this together...I dedicate this win to us!"

"You and I have been through so much...Y/N,I am just so happy for you because I know how hard you work Y/N."

"Thank you Liv"

"I love you so much Y/N that you don't even know!"

You tilt her head up giving her a passionate loving kiss.

"And I love you Liv..."

The Smackdown Live roster had left awhile ago but Carmella stayed hidden near the crates quietly sobbing to herself.

"Why can't I find love like that..."

A little later after you were interviewed you receive a text from Carmella to meet up.Twelve minutes later...

"Mella hey what's up!"

Carmella's POV

"NO! I can't tell him how I feel! I don't want things to change! But if I don't these feelings are going to forever be unannounced and I can't stand it,no I can't do this! It's just not fair to Liv.

I look at his smile and feel so warm inside everytime we talk.

"I just wanted to congratulate you on your win!"

That's not it...

"Oh thanks Mella!It means a lot coming from you."

And just like that my heart flutters.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been my partner.My road buddy and I can't thank you enough for going with me through all that,I mean it Mella,thanks for everything!"

Without realizing I was pulled into a hug.His contact is overwhelming.My heart and mind are at peace right now.I wish this could last forever.Please Y/N...just a little longer.

End of POV

"Listen Mella if your ever in the neighborhood , you are always welcome to visit us.I consider you one of my best friends Mella.Then afterwards maybe you could show us your place too."

"That sounds fabulous to me Y/N!


"Liv you're going to give me a blue tongue if you keep it up."

Liv presses her lips back on yours taking the initiative again.

"You're mine Y/N.Nothings going to keep you away"

"Let's get married..."

A/N:WWEMYCAREER is over (until part two) And judging from the votes on the recent before this Y/N X The IIconics is the winner!

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