Mixed Match Challenge : 2

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Tonight was week six in the Mixed Match Challenge bracket.You and Carmella were going up tonight against Apollo Crews and Nia Jax.Leading up to this point you and Carmella did multiple skits that aired up until this week.

"You ready partner?"

You stretch yourself out looking towards Carmella.

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

They call Carmella to the curtain as you soon follow after she moonwalks onto the stage.

Corey:This is my team to win the Mixed Match Challenge Saxton! I mean look they even match!

Beth:Let's hope they're just as coordinated in the ring together as well as they dress Corey.

The two of you were in the ring when it was decided that you and Apollo would start the match.

You and Apollo lock up before going into chain wrestling to get the upperhand.

Saxton:Beth what do you think the game plan is when it comes to these matches?

Beth:From being in previous tag team matches Saxton , I think relying on your partner is the way to go in these matches.
It's all about teamwork.

You and Apollo both run to the ropes to take each other out with a clothesline.On the mat you both try tagging in your partners.Carmella had her hand reached out to tag but Apollo beat you to it.Incomes Nia Jax marching her way over to Carmella who had to come out.

Byron:I think Carmella is starting to look a little worried.

At this point you were recuperating out on the floor as was Apollo.

Corey:Saxton would you quit yapping! The princess of Staten Island can take how ever long she needs!

Carmella dropped down off the apron trying to escape Nia's reach.

When she did a lap around the ring after being chased by Nia she goes in the ring only to be distracted by Dana Brooke and Titus.Without noticing Nia gets back in the ring delivering a game changing clothesline to Carmella getting ooohs from the crowd.

Nia goes for the pin for you to only drag Carmella out into your arms.

Beth:Saved by the bell eh Corey?

Corey:That was nothing short of teamwork plain and simple!

You whisper in her ear.

"Hey you okay?"

She sluggishly nods.

Resuming the match you tag yourself in as it was once again you and Apollo.

A little more than 10 minutes around the match ending you were setting up for your finisher Y/F when Dana again intervenes but to only fail by Carmella superkick getting Apollos attention.You take the opportunity to roll him up for a quick pin catching him off guard.




The bell tolled playing your music.The two of you hugged each each other before raising each other's interlocked hands in victory.

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