Mixed Match Challenge : 3

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Tonight was week 9 of the Mixed Match Challenge and your opponents were Rusev and Lana.You were currently warming up when Carmella stepped up beside you.

"Hey Y/N"

"Hey Mella how was your weekend?

"Coffee,Wine,Pizza all while binging Netflix" She says nonchalantly sitting to the crate next to you.

"What about you?"

"Well me and Liv went to see a movie but besides that the rest of the time I've just been keeping up my physique."

The two of you talked for awhile until being called up.James Ellsworth would be assisting the match pinfall.Carmella went out first with James doing their usual entrance when she paused waiting for you on stage.

This time to start off the match Carmella and Lana started it off.

Beth:So Corey give us your intake on the matchup right now.

Corey:If you can see the momentum is clearly on Y/N and Carmella's side.

Carmella goes for a school girl pin that Lana got out of to quickly tag in Rusev as the two of you lockup.Another 15 minutes into the match Lana slaps the taste out of Carmella's mouth that triggered Ellsworth to distract Lana giving Carmella the chance to superkick Lana to the face.She went for the pinfall.



Saxton:Oh man at 2 and a half!

Carmella cries in frustration tagging you in.You and Rusev brawl it out before he gets the upper hitting you with the accolade.You wince in agony feeling the weight cave in on your back.You were close to tapping when Carmella called out to you.

"Y/N come on you can do it!"

You struggled to break out of the accolade at first but after the second attempt you rose up into an electric chair slamming Rusev to the ground.The crowd cheers in anticipation.You and Rusev both go for the hot tag at the same time tagging out.

With Carmella in the two of them trade blows until Carmella sidesteps an incoming slap with her superkick.When attempting to go for the pinfall Rusev gets in the ring trying to stop the pin before you throw him out to the outside for a suicide dive that connected.





Her theme song played.You get back in the ring to have your hand raised by Ellsworth before Carmella linked hands with you in the air that turned into a rather amourous hug.You open the ropes for her before going backstage, Ellsworth shortly followed.

Caruso:You guys have been unstoppable as of late.I have to know after picking up the win against the team of Rusev and Lana what is your strategy heading into the semifinals against your yet to be named opponents?

Carmella looks at her with a dumbfounding expression plastered to her face.

Y/N:No offense Charly but it wouldn't be smart for Carmella and I to tell such valuable information that our opponents can find of use to exploit.

Carmella scoffs

Carmella:Like seriously.Besides in all honesty based off of our past matches we've always caught the win sooo obviously whatever we're doing, we're doing it right!

Y/N:I couldn't agree more.In all seriousness I'm glad the WWE Universe picked Carmella as my tag partner.She's hands down one of the best female talent here on Smackdown Live and not to mention our great chemistry we have in the ring.


She's hands down one of the best female talent here on Smackdown Live...and not to mention our great chemistry we have in the ring...

Why is my heart racing?

My cheeks feel hot and flustered right now.

I mean I know he's being modest but what does he mean by chemistry?

Without noticing the interview had been over Carmella's thoughts were somewhere else at the moment.You tap her shoulder.

"Hey Mella you alright?" You say with concern.

She looks up to you with her lit up face.

"Oh uh-m Y/N-yeah just thinking of something that's it..."

You continue to stare at to notice her flushed expression.

"Hey Mella are you sick or something?"

You get closer to her placing your hand on her forehead causing her breath to become hitched.She felt even more heat when you were examining her face trying to determine what was wrong.

"Hmm no...I don't think your sick or anything..."

Unable to be close for much longer Carmella steps back from Y/N reassuring him that everything was fine.

"Thank you Y/N but I think I'm okay , it was probably the slap from the match or something..."

"Oh yeah.If it hurts or swells just visit the medics.As your partner I want you to be at your best Mella,we're winning this thing!"

She took a moment to compose herself.

"Yeah Y/N let's do this..."

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