Chapter 30 - Here Comes Summer

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When Jess woke up the next morning, she smiled as she stretched and then kicked off her sheet.  The early morning sun was already warming her room, giving a hint of the hot day to come, and she immediately thought of her visit with Marty after school.  She smiled more broadly as she imagined telling him about her conversation with Annie.  Today would be the first day she could see him free of any guilt, and she couldn’t wait.  She knew he’d be just as excited as she was. 

There was a quiet knock on her door, and then Annie poked her head in.

“Oh, you’re up already.”

“Yep,” Jess said, sitting up with a smile as Annie closed the door.

“It’s nice to see you looking so cheerful this early in the morning,” Annie said, returning her smile as she approached the bed.  “I expect it’s because school is almost over.”

“Well, yes – but I feel better since we talked,” Jess answered, glad she could finally be honest with Annie.

“Well, I’m happy you feel better,” Annie said kindly, smoothing Jess’s hair.  “You better get ready for school.  I’ve got to get the eggs in the frying pan.”

“Okay,” Jess said happily, jumping out of bed.

When she entered the dining room, she found her uncle seated alone at the table, looking through a stack of mail.

“Good morning, Uncle Jonathon,” she said, sitting at her place.

“Jessica,” he replied, still sorting his envelopes.

She couldn’t help peeking at him as she put her napkin in her lap, imagining him as a young man, tied to the mine while his younger brother was free to do whatever he wanted in life.  How did he feel, watching her dad enlist in the army as soon as he graduated high school, marrying and moving as far away as he wanted to start a new life?  Was he really happy staying behind and taking on the responsibility of running such a large and important business? 

Hearing footsteps behind her, she knew Doug was heading to the dining room.  Her uncle raised his head expectantly, and then his face lit up.


“Hi, dad,” Doug said.  He sounded subdued, and Jess’s heart sank, knowing he was still upset from their talk the night before.

“How was your weekend?” Uncle Jonathon asked heartily as he held his hand out.

“It was alright.”  Doug put his hand in his father’s and Uncle Jonathon grasped his upper arm with his other hand, smiling up at him.

“That’s fine, son!  Fine!  It was a good time in the city with the boys, but I missed having you there.”

“You – did?” Doug said, sounding taken aback.

“I remembered when we went there for the Midwest Manufacturer’s convention a few years back and how much you enjoyed it.”

“Yeah, I had a swell time,” Doug said, smiling at the memory.

“If we take a trip again next year, I think you’ll be old enough to come along.”

“Really?  Thanks, dad,” Doug said, beaming at him and Uncle Jonathon released his arm. 

While his dad began talking about the night clubs and restaurants they’d visited, Doug sat and put his napkin in his lap.  When he lifted his head, his eyes happened to fall on Jess, and she gave him a smile, wanting to let him know she was glad he was feeling better, but he quickly turned his attention to Uncle Jonathon without acknowledging it. 

The Boy in the Woods (2014 Wattys Winner, Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now