Chapter four.

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~ Here's the next chapter for ya, hope you all enjoy!

Right after Zeus dared to call Olympus and Camp Half-Blood his home, Percy was seriously mad.

It had been hours ago, but Percy still remembers the way Zeus flinched by the death glare he shot him.

That was before he turned on his heel, threw open the doors - making a lot of noise (not that he cared) and marched out of the throne room.

It was quite dramatic, since Percy had his cloak on that his mother got him years ago, and it moved with him like in a movie when he walked.

Since he couldn't be bothered to mist travel (he learned to do that) or teleport (his powers from Chaos allow him to do that) he just came down Olympus the old way.

The ride in the elevator was as horrible as he remembered. The same agonising music that made his head sore.

He has nothing against Apollo, but seriously, isn't he supposed to be the god of music and not torture?

When he left the Empire State Building, he seriously thought about what to do.

The only reason he would want to go to Camp Half-Blood right now, was to see Chiron.

He had not seen his centaur ex-teacher for a really long. And he quite missed him.

But then again, he didn't want to go to camp just yet. He just had to deal with the Olympians and some of the campers.

He needed a break.

Percy grinned suddenly as an idea struck him. He was going to visit one of his old friends.

* * *

Not that long later, he stood in front a door of an expensive looking apartment. There were guards positioned everywhere around inside the building it was in.

But it was understandable. Especially since who his friend is.

They had asked him what he was doing here, and some of them didn't believe his answer until one of them recognised him.

Percy has been here several times before.

Actually, this person was the only one of his friends who Percy visited when Tartarus let him out of hell sometimes.

The guards then let him through and here he is: Several hours after the stupid meeting. He knocked on the apartment door.

A couple of minutes later, it opened revealing an eighteen year old looking girl with thick and long curly red hair and green eyes.

She had a scowl on her face, even before she registered who he was. "What do you want?" she hissed.

Her eyes then widened as she realised who was standing in front of her. She stared at him in disbelief.

"Oh, just visiting," Percy said, putting his hands in his pockets. He grinned at her. "Unless that's somehow illegal now, Rachel?"

"Percy!" Rachel then exclaimed as she bear hugged him, making him chuckle and hug her back. "Sorry, I thought you were one of the other seven of the prophecy."

"Come in," she said quickly then after she let him go and when he did she closed the door behind him.

"Why would I be one of them?" asked Percy and then sighed. "They've been bugging you to come back to camp again, haven't they?"

Rachel groaned. "You have no idea," she whined. "It's like they don't know what 'no' means anymore." He chuckled loudly at her words.

Percy looked around the massive apartment. It was quite modern and had a lot of painting stands and canvases and paints in tubes scattered around it.

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