Chapter two.

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The silence seemed everlasting. Percy's words rang out inside everybody's heads as they stared at him.

He still had his eyebrow raised and his face still held no emotion. Yet he saw many emotions pass through the faces of his old friends and gods.

Sadness. Guilt. Fear. He nearly smirked at the last one. Dam right, they should be afraid of him.

He might seem like the same old Percy around his primordial family, but he had changed a bit. He was colder.

Not much, but the years in Tartarus surely had taken away a bit of his warm side.

And as he looked over at the cabin councillors he sure as hell saw that time was treating them well.

He wondered what they had been up to for those past couple of years, but then again he didn't really give a dam about most of them, apart from the ones that stood by his side the whole time during his trail.

Everyone was quiet. Percy wanted to laugh at them. They banished him to Tartarus with many things to say, but now that they need his help again they are as quiet as mice.

He wondered whether he should break the silence; give them motivation to speak. But he decided against it. They summoned him here, not the other way around.

His eyebrow went back to its normal place and he just stared at them. How long was it going to take for them to speak?

Some of the gods all quickly looked between each other as if having a mental conversation together.


Couldn't they speak out loud? Were they afraid that he would flip out or something?

It seemed like forever until finally Zeus cleared his throat. The attention seemed to turn towards him.

"Perseus Jackson," said the god of lightning. Percy caught a bit of uncertainty in his voice and had to stop an urge to smirk. "We are here to ask for your help."

The words seemed to be difficult for Zeus to get out. Percy nearly rolled his eyes. How hard was it to ask for help?

Oh, wait. He nearly forgot that Zeus was asking for help the demigod that he personally sent to literal hell. Silly him.

Percy raised an eyebrow again. He had a feeling he would be doing that a lot.

"And what possibly makes you think I will help you?" he asked, logically. The emotionless mask still attached on his face.

The only reason why Percy hasn't flipped out yet, was because he could control his rage. And at the moment he felt a lot of it.

Silence filled the throne room again. But Percy was right, what were the gods thinking?

Asking for help the demigod they had banished for a crime they knew he didn't commit?

"Son..." Poseidon said quietly, yet Percy's gaze immediately snapped to him.

He hadn't seen his dad in so long, he actually forgot what he looked like. But he sure as hell noticed the different attire.

Since when does Poseidon wear a suit?

The sea god looked at him uncertainly. He wanted to get up and hug him but he didn't know if he should.

Percy seemed to catch onto that. He was quite happy that his dad still loved him. Percy still loved him back too. He was his dad after all.

Poseidon tried to stop the trial, and from what Percy heard from Chaos, his dad hasn't been giving Zeus the best time ever since Percy's banishment.

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