Chapter one.

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~ Just a little heads up that I write in British English so some words might be different than let's say from American English.

He had been counting. Counting the amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.

Yet, he still wasn't sure how long exactly he had spent in the literal hell of Earth.

He had been good at surviving. Always has even though he never showed how good he was due to his smarty-pants ex-girlfriend who assumed otherwise.

He had survived for a long time here, now that he thought about it. Even managed to catch the eye of a certain creator of the universe and some of her children.

He actually enjoyed his life here now.

He looked basically the same, as he had when he was banished. Perfect deep tanned skin, mesmerising deep sea-green eyes, square jaw line and messy jet black hair.

His form was more muscled now, but he was still lean and his body still looked like a swimmers one, even though he hadn't been near water for a long time.

He stared at the sky - if you can call it that - of the pit, and smiled and he kept walking towards the mansion of night.

He wondered what was for dinner today.

A lot has happened since most of the gods have thrown him into hell, and a lot of the stuff he actually wanted to remember forever.

As much as he hated this place at first, he had grown to eventually call it home, and it looked much more beautiful to him now, that he was able to accept his fate.

He didn't see Tartarus in marrón and blood red anymore if he didn't want to.

He could see it as if he was walking on the top of an mountain, through the Amazon rainforest or even in the middle of a desert.

All he had to do was concentrate for a second. That's all it literally took.

He smiled once again as he finally reached the doors of the mansion of night. Without any hesitation or even a knock, he went in.

The smell that hit his nose next, made his mouth water, and his lips to pull into a wide grin.

He walked through the hall and went straight into the kitchen to see the owner of the beautiful mansion cooking dinner.

"Hello, Nyx." She actually seemed startled a bit to hear his voice and then looked over at him, narrowing her eyes.

"How many time have I told you not to sneak up on me, brother?" she asked.

He seem to pause for a second and dramatically think hard about an answer for her question. In the end he shrugged with a grin.

"I've lost count," he told her.

She rolled her eyes, but not before giving him a slight, yet playful glare. She then went back to cooking.

"Dinner will be ready in about a minute, Percy. Can you get the plates?" she asked without looking over at him.

He nodded and walked over to the cabinet that was hanging on the wall. He opened it and took out a stack of plates, not even being able to count how many there were.

Nyx and Percy were very much aware that at the snap of either of their fingers, the dinner could've been ready already.

Or that the plates could've been magically laid on the dining table, but they enjoyed being, or acting like normal humans sometimes.

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