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Even the most powerful beings in the world make mistakes. Because in the end, no one is perfect.

Gods even, they have their flaws. Everybody has their up's and down's. And everyone is wrong from time to time.

In this case, it was Zeus.

Ruler of Olympus. King of the gods. Lord of the sky. God of honour, justice, rain, sky and lightning.

He accused a once called hero, of a crime he most definitely didn't commit. That might have and probably is the worst mistake he has ever done in his entire immortal life.

And he knew that. Yet he made no move whatsoever to change what he did out of shame and pride.

So the hero was banished and cast to Tartarus, the worst possible place for a demigod to ever go.

The literal hell.

His father of course, tried to stop this from happening, yet the almighty Zeus gave him no right of speech, and made a certain wine god tie down the god to his own throne using his powers.

Other members of the council tried to stop this from happening as well, yet they were also tied down with vines to their own thrones.

After a period of time, they had all eventually come to majorly regret banishing him, or the guilt started to slowly eat them apart for not being able to stop it from happening.

But they also had other problems at hand. Another war was brewing. And unfortunately for them, they needed Percy Jackson's help.

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