Rvb S5 E22 "Repent, The End is Near"

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Underground Cavern
To the underground lair with the alien holding Doc and Sis, hostage. Flowers is talking to the computer.

Flowers: Yes, everything is coming together as planned. And these fools still have no idea. Once the young one gets his sword, there will be no stopping us.

Vic: Hey, what about the other guy, dude, does he know about the thing with the thing?

Flowers: No that beast does not suspect anything either. Everyone has played right in to our hands. (Loudly) Muuhuhohuhhahahahaaa. ...Okay maybe that was a little loud. (Quietly) Huhahahaaa. There. That's better.

Red Base
To Tucker, Wade and Church fleeing from all the Wyomings and across the Canyon.

Wyoming 6: They're getting away!

Tucker: Come on!

Wade quickly turns around and fired a rocket at a group of Wyoming's, killing three of them.

Wade: BooYeah!

Suddenly another group of Wyoming's appear, causing Wade to run with Church and Tucker again.

Wyoming 1: Cut them off!

Wade: Why aren't you being affected by any of this?

Wyoming 3: Remember the sniper shot.

Tucker: He said it has something to do with the sword!

Tucker turns and shoots a Wyoming in the head with the sniper rifle.

Wyoming 3: I told you to watch for the sniper shot.

Church: Who said? When?

Wyoming 5: I've got to get my sight!

Tucker: Just trust me!

Wyoming 7: Get off the ledge you fool!

Tucker turns and shoots a Wyoming off the top of the base.

Wyoming 1: Ah- Ooph!

Tucker: The cliff! Head for the cliff!

Wyoming 2: This time flank him!

Tucker: That's where Tex will be!

Wade: Are you sure?

Wyoming 7: Hey, hey!

Tucker: No, not that way!

Wyoming 7: Now I've got you!

Wade pulls out his shotgun and aims at Church's head, Church ducks, allowing Wade to shoot Wyoming in the face.

Wyoming 7: Ah!

Wade: He's not waking up from that.

Church: Hey you know what, I kinda like this new all-knowing badass Tucker. He's certainly a lot better than the old one.

Church heads off with Wade trailing behind, going between some rocks and ending up in front of Gary.

Tucker: No Guys wait! The other way!

Wade: Oh no!

Gary: Knock knock, Church.

Church: Son of a bitch!

Gary fires the tank's cannon at two but, Wade quickly tackles Church to the side, evading the shot and rejoining Tucker. The three of them start running off, away from red base.

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