Rvb S5 E14 "Missed Direction"

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Underground Cavern
To Leo lying against a rock on the ground.

Leo: (Waken up) ...Wh-where, I'm I? Grif, Simmons you guys here? (Looks for his gun) Where the hell, is my gun?

Suddenly a alien in green armour comes from behind one of the rocks and stands in front of Leo, holding his gun.

Alien: ~I see, your finally awake.~

Leo: Another Alien? How many of you, guys are there?

Alien: ~Not like it would matter, to you shisno.~

Leo: What is it, with you guys calling me a shisno?

Alien: ~Wait, you heard that?~

Leo: Yeah, don't know why, I'm just rolling with it. So, is there a reason why I'm kidnapped?

Alien: ~My master, wishes to speak to you but, your able to understand me because of the 'gift'!~

Leo: The 'gift'?

Alien: ~The 'gift' allows us to grant any creatures the ability to hear our native tongue.~

Leo: This ...sounds insane, how did I even get this 'gift'.

Alien: ~One of my kind must have granted you the 'gift'.~

Leo: (Mumbles) But, I don't even remember meeting one of you guys. (To the Alien) Wait, I meet one of your kind before but, he didn't know, how I could understand him.

Alien: ~Only the ones with a higher honour, may be granted the knowledge of the 'gift'.~

Leo: This sounds completely insane. Just give me my gun back and I'll be on my way.

Alien: ~Wait, I can prove it's not 'insane', do you have any sort of markings on you?~

Leo: Um, yeah.. I've this birth mark on my neck. (Leans his head to the side showing the mark)

Alien: ~That's no birth mark but, it's the markings of another of my kind who's granted you the 'gift'

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Alien: ~That's no birth mark but, it's the markings of another of my kind who's granted you the 'gift'.~

Leo: You wouldn't happen to know who gave me this, would you?

Alien: ~Sadly, I do not. Each marking is different for each of my kind.~

Leo: (Sighs) That's a shame.

???: I see our guest is awake!

Leo looks around to see who said that, until his eyes landed on a soldier with blue armour.

Leo: Who the hell are you?

Blue Soldier: Who I am, doesn't matter. I just need to ask you... some questions. (Does a slow evil laugh)

Red vs Blue Season 5: Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now