Chapter 23: Newbie and Brother

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"Baby, are you certain this is a good idea? You're sure you're up to this?" Jimin asks worriedly the next morning. Sighing, I nod my head.

"Jimin, she doesn't have much of a choice." Tae points out. He sighs, nodding his head.

"I know. It's just... You fell on your shoulder again yesterday. You look absolutely exhausted and you've not been eating a ton." He says with a frown.

"He's got a point, Tae. She looks like she needs to be taking a couple days off. She doesn't look like she's quite recovered from locking herself away this past weekend." Jungkook chimes in.

"Guys! I promise you. I'm doing perfectly fine. I'm just a little tired because I didn't sleep well last night. That's all." I tell them. Jungkookie and Jiminie both sigh but nod their head as the three of them exit my truck.

Heading off to the studio, I shake my head. How the hell am I going to be able to keep hiding this from Jiminie? He's far too observant, even if he's not as keyed into everything as I am.

When I get to the studio, I head in and go straight to the practice room. When I enter, I see the beautiful tall dark brunette that's replacing Sohjae. She turns instantly as I enter, giving me a small smile.

"Hi. I'm Solbi." She greets me with a smile. I just nod my head, giving her a small smile in return.

"I'm Saejing. Nice to meet you." I respond softly. She just nods as well.

"Alright. You ready to work? Because we've got a lot to catch you up on." I inform her. She grins.

"What all do we have to do today?" She asks curiously, excitement in her eyes.

"A lot. I need to teach you the songs that's going to be getting released on the new album next week, the choreographies that we've already done as well as the one we're currently working on. Later on today, the other two will be here so you'll be able to meet them then." I explain. She nods, a little nervousness seeming to kick in.

Getting hard to work quickly, I know today's going to be really rough. Thankfully, we first start with learning the songs. It makes it just a little easier to get through the morning since I'm not actually being super active.

"So you're the leader right?" She asks curiously, making conversation as we take a break from recording her new parts for the song. Leaning myself back into the couch in the recording room, I nod my head as I try desperately to keep my eyes open.

"What did Sohjae have against you so much? I mean, I don't like just taking someone else's job, but your manager said that she was getting fired either way..." She questions.

"I don't know. She never took much a liking to me from the beginning." I answer before remembering I have to take another dosage. I internally groan.

"I'll be right back." I tell her, dragging myself from the couch and out down the hall to the writing room. There's lockers in there which I'd locked my bag in earlier. Quickly opening it, I pull out one of my bottles and the pills.

Downing the pills with soju, I say fuck it and down the entire bottle. Tossing the emptied bottle into the trash, my eyes widen slightly with a small smirk. Locking my bag back up, I know exactly how I can manage to keep getting through this shitty chemo. I'm sorry, Jiminie, but it's the only way.

I get about halfway back to the room before I change course and rush for a bathroom. Swearing the chemo and swearing the cancer in my body, I cry as I lean over the toilet when I get there.

"Everything okay?" Solbi asks when I get back in the room. Giving her a small smile, I nod my head.

"Yeah. Just remembered I had to take care of some real quick was all." I answer as I sit back down.

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