Chapter 12: Hiding

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"You have to miss school again tomorrow?" Jungkookie asks with a frown the next night. It's getting late at this point as I've finished up everything that I had to get done outside the house for the day. We're all sat around in the living room talking at the moment.

"Yeah. It's just because of an interview and some meetings though. My manager couldn't schedule it in for any other time due to availability issues. It's no big deal. Do one of you mind getting all of my work for me tomorrow though? And turning in the stuff that's due for tomorrow?" I ask with a small smile.

"I can take care of it, butterfly. How'd the doctors appointment go yesterday by the way? We were all so busy yesterday that I forgot to ask." Jiminie questions as he pulls me into his side.

Looking around the room, Tae and Jungkookie are both looking at me curiously while the older three try to hide their worried expressions. Though, Jin keeps his eyes on me and I can't help but curl into Jiminie just a slight bit more.

"It went well. They took some X-rays and the doctor thinks I just have a couple stress fractures in it. She wanted to talk it over with another doctor though and said she'd give me a call back at some point about it." I lie. The three younger boys frown at me.

"That sucks. At least you know what's wrong with it now though, right? Are you still going to be able to do all the dancing and working out with Tae that you've been doing though?" Jungkook asks with a frown.

"As long as I work with Tae without putting any actual pressure or force into my shoulder, I'll be fine. As for choreographing, I'm perfectly fine unless I'm falling to the floor or something crazy like that and would have to use my arms to catch myself." I explain. They nod.

"That's good at least. Do you have to do anything special for it to help support it or something?" Tae asks curiously.

"I just need to make sure I've got my shoulder all wrapped up. They showed me how to do it there yesterday. It's kind of like if you'd been shot in the shoulder or something. That's how they explained it at least." I add the last sentence to throw all of the boys off any possible trail to my past. Jiminie's the only one to know about that.

"Alright. I think it's time for the three of you to be getting to bed. Hyungs and I want to talk to Jing for a minute before she goes to bed as well. But the three of you need to go get some sleep." Yoongi cuts the discussion off.

I bite my lip at the fact that they want to talk to me about this. The three of them groan but get up and head off to bed anyways. Once they've all disappeared around the corner at the top of the stairs and we hear three doors open and close, I turn back to the four of them nervously.

"You do realize that excuse is only going to last you so long, right?" Jin questions. I quickly duck my head, not wanting his attention on me. Hoseok gives me a small frown but doesn't say anything.

"I know. It's all I can come up with though. I don't know what's going on and it's not like they gave me a sling or something. I have to be able to keep working. I don't know what else I was supposed to tell them. It was the best I could come up with. And quite frankly, it makes the most sense." I explain.

"Why don't you want the three of them knowing so badly?" Namjoon asks with a frown. I hadn't explained my reasoning yesterday when we'd met up with them about why I didn't want them to know. I had just insisted that they couldn't know.

"Jiminie is extremely sensitive to anyone being hurt or sick. I don't want to worry him about why I'm going back to the doctors, especially when it's the first time I've ever had to go. First time I've ever gone. He'd freak out if he knew they didn't tell me at all what was wrong and that they wanted me back so that they can take a closer look at my shoulder.

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