Chapter 21: The Dreaded Meeting

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay today, butterfly?" Jimin asks with a frown as I pull up to the school. Giving him a small smile, I nod my head. I was up early this morning to take the pills again, but with plenty of time before Jin would make me try soup for breakfast.

"Go. Don't worry about me, Jiminie. I'll be fine." I tell him with a smile. He sighs with a small frown, leaning over and kissing me quickly before getting out of the truck. I wave to the three boys before pulling away.

Driving back to the house to kill an hour, my mind is reeling in tiredness. When I get back, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon are all still there since they decided to work from home today. I just end up setting an alarm and laying back down to get some extra sleep, though I know I should be working. Then again, I should've been working all weekend and I literally did nothing.

"Where are you headed off to?" Jin asks curiously from the kitchen table later as I'm walking to the door.

"I've got the meeting today. I'll be back later at some point." I answer before leaving.

Looking down at myself, I managed to change myself into my black ripped skinny jeans rather than staying in Jiminie's sweats but I've kept his hoodie on. I'm wearing my gray sneakers and didn't bother putting my contacts in, forcing myself to just deal with my glasses. In short, I look like a fucking mess and I couldn't really care less. Though, it is a slightly scary feeling that my jeans are slowly beginning to feel a tad loose...

There's paparazzi surrounding me and the building as I park my truck, getting out and walking in. I just ignore them, ignoring any and all questions they ask me as I shove my way past them weakly. When I finally get into the building, I'm just barely managing to stay on time. Entering the conference room that our manager wanted us to meet in, everyone's there except for him already.

"Oh wow. She actually decided to show her face. Looks like someone's handling a bit of a hangover, huh?" Sohjae snaps sarcastically at me. I just ignore her, taking a seat in one of the chairs at the small conference table.

"That'll be enough, Sohjae." Our manager interrupts as he walks in and shuts the door behind him. Currently, we're all sat on one side of the table while he takes a seat on the other side across from us.

"You should all be embarrassed for the kind of show you put on at the interview Friday. That entire thing was a disgrace. I'm disappointed in all of you." He starts with a frown. I don't say anything, keeping my gaze at the middle of the table in front of me. I hear Sohjae scoff though.

"We weren't the disgrace. Saejing was." She snarls at him. I don't even react at this point. I want to be done with this. I want out of here. I don't want to hear any of it anymore.

"No, Sohjae. If anyone was the disgrace Friday, it was you." He says with a sigh. My eyes widen as I lift my head up to look at him.

"How could I have been the disgrace?! I'm not the one fucking up all of our performances! I'm not the one with all the crazy shit going on in her life! I'm not the one who gets drunk and sluts around when I get stressed!" She shouts angrily. He sighs at her outburst.

"Would you stop it?! You're so damn critical of her, yet you act like your miss fucking perfect! You're not! You let her handle every ounce of work for this band and she's the youngest fucking one out of all of us! She works her ass off around the clock while you sit on your ass at home bitching about college work that she could probably do in her sleep at this point and point out every tiny little flaw about her! You should be taking a hard look in the mirror, Sohjae! You're the oldest yet you act like the damn youngest!" Minae yells at her older sister. I duck my head as the two begin fighting again.

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