Prologue and Chapter One:

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Most people think that my name tops the weird name list, but it has a purpose. It always had a purpose. Ever since I was little my mom and dad's scientists' friends would always say, "It makes sense that two mountain climbers named their daughter Blizzard." And, they'd be right. That's what my name means in English translation-Blizzard.

Here's the thing about my name-Ventisca means Blizzard in Spanish, but there is no Spanish blood in me whatsoever. Curious? Well, there is some story behind it. It's been a story that very much stays in my family. The only people who know this story are my mom, dad, younger brother Jason, mom and dad's closest friend/traveling physician Gerald Bunter, and his son-which is my only best friend-Charles Bunter (Aka: Charlie).

The story started when my mom was pregnant with me. Even though she was eight months pregnant, she still went mountain climbing with my dad. My mom always told me that she loves the cold. Ironically, I like the heat.

Anyway, my mom and dad was climbing a part of the Sierra Madres in Mexico and were about to set up camp when they saw a very old woman. She told them in Spanish to come and have some tea with her and she also said in Spanish, "I've been expecting you." Which should have been the weirdest part of the story, but it wasn't.

My mom and dad were having tea in the old woman's little house on the Sierra Madres, when the old woman asked her, "When's the baby due?"

My mom told her, "December."

That's when according to my mom, she laughed lightly and took a sip of her tea as the old woman said, "It's a girl."

My dad replied, "No, it's a boy. That's what all the doctors said."

However, the old woman only said this in return. "It's a girl and her name is Ventisca." My mom and dad only nodded in respect, but my dad told me that he thought at the time that the old woman was off her rocker.

That is, until I was born.

Born on December 24th in Bellen, New Mexico I came out as a girl. My mom didn't believe it. My dad didn't believe it. Hell, even the doctors didn't believe it! Yet, there I was. 100% female. And that's why on that day my mom and dad said at the same time, "Ventisca." And that's how I got my name.

Whenever I asked my mom and dad why they gave me the name that the old woman gave me, they said the bluntest answer. "It's your destiny."

The funny thing is that my parents are scientists too as well as skeptics. In fact, the only reason that we travel around the world is to climb mountains so that they can gather sediments and plants for their scientist friends at the EPA. The EPA likes the fact that somewhere there's some miracle cure in those mountains. And who knows, maybe there is. Maybe they'll find some cure for all of the incurable crappy diseases in this world

So my parents aren't that big on the word destiny. But for my family, I was the exception of that rule. I'm Ventisca Isolde Turner and my destiny is to climb mountains-even though I hate the cold. At least, that's what I thought.

Chapter One:

Being raised with two mountain climbers can sometimes be a pain in the butt. For instance, when you're a little kid you realize that there is no such thing as the abominable snowman or the boogie monster. However, you do learn at a very young and delicate age the fact that people do die on mountains, and they become frozen. I saw my first frozen body when I was five years old. It was on Mount Mus Khaya in Russia. At least I'm not afraid of mummies either.

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