Chapter 11

221 14 3

Don't - Ed Sheeran


"Wake up!" A husky voice echoes trough my mind.

I blink a few times to clear my vision, only to be greeted by Harry's smug smile.

"Leave me alone." I groan, my eyes half-open, yawning. - It's too early for his teasing.

"We have work," he states, his voice deeper than usual. I'm guessing he hasn't been awake for a long time.

"What? But it's saturday?" I prep myself up with my elbows, furrowing my eyebrows. I drink in his appearance, still beind tired.

He's shirtless, and wearing only his ripped jeans.

Oh my, He's too gorgeous.

"They have some announcements to make, I just got the text. I think you got one, too." Harry points to my cellphone that lays on the night stand.

I nod, inhaling some air, "Your breath stinks." I say out loud, but then cover my own mouth. - Duh, Morning breath my subconscious taunts me.

"Give me a break, I haven't brushed my teeth, yet." he blows warm air into my face, " You know that, usually my breath smells like fresh mint."

Yes, I've noticed.

He winks at me, pinning my hands over my head and hovering over me, his toned chest againts mine. He gazes into my eyes, a dimpled smirk crossing his cherry lips as he takes in my trembling breath. "But, somehow I feel like my breath excites you, " he whispers into my ear, sliding his tongue on my thumping pulse, making shivers go down my spine. I flutter my eyes close, holding my breath as he bites my skin delightely. His one hand makes it way under my top, making circles on my pale stomach with his thumb, tickeling me a little. I stiff a laugh, trying to hold my needs together. He stops for a moment, feeling how his chest is rising as I put my palms againts it. He doesn't hesitate to run his hand over the curve of my breasts, giving it a light squeeze.

I gulp, my body automatically raising my hips to his. I try to hold in my moan, as his other hand rubs my inner tights, my legs trying to clench together as he digs his nail into my skin. I groan in pleasure, trying to keep my eyes open. I open eyes, and try my everything to form a frown on my face, trying to be hard to get even though I know his touch is what I want to feel on my skin.

He smiles at me, studying my facial expression, it's almost evident how he got me weak under his touch.

"Let's get ready, we're already late," he gets up from the bed, leaving me wanting more.

"I told Jack that we'd get going as soon as you wake up." he utters, fixing his hair in the mirror. He runs his long fingers through his messy hair, trying to push it back so it stays like that.

"They saw you?" I scream. - This boy never fails to embarrass me.

"Yeah, big deal, now get ready."


"So now that finally everyone's here," my uncle speaks, eyes radiating over the whole room. We're all sitting down on seats, while he's standing on the big catwalk, speaking about something important. I yawn, - I'm too tired for this - trying to keep my eyes open.

"We have a Burberry's fashion week coming, which means of course that next week's we're going to have a Burbbery's fashion show, right here, at our building." He smiles, wrinkles appering on the corner of his eyes.

Sarah steps on the catwalk, her red high - like really high - heels making a clicking sound while she takes steps. Harry swifts a little in his seat as Sarah smirks at both of us. I turn to Harry, asking if he's okay but all I get from him is a simple nod. Well then...

"You're all representing us, remember that," Sarah says between my uncle's speech, smiling.

"You all have a certain role in it, of course. But as soon as you're done your task, you can enjoy the rest of the show, enjoying our marvelous drinks and meeting new people. And remember to bring a plus one,also. " Uncle Jack ends his speech and everyone gives a loud round of applause for some odd reason. I go with the flow, clapping, a little bit too late, though. I find myself to be the only one clapping still, when everyone else is done. I quickly place my hands on my lap, receiving a loud laugh from Harry.

I shoot him an angry glare as a warning, "hmph." I turn my head away from him, arms crossed tightly.

"Who's your plus one?" He ignores my rising temper,"Zoella."

Still not facing to him, I say," well, not you."

"Oh really, you weren't saying that this morning." He whispers in my ear, placing his hand on my - luckily covered with jeans - thigh. His hand moves to near my center, rubbing all along.

I grab his hand, putting it away from me. "Stop." I firmly utter, looking at him from the corner of my eyes. I squeeze his hand, trying to cause him little pain.

"Oh, Zoella, You're underestimating me. I could've had you this morning if I conti-"

"Oh, Harry," I mock his tone,cutting him off. He needs to drop back on the ground, I've had enough.

I turn to him, fluttering my mascara lashes.

"You're all bark but no bite." I spit.

"You're being persistent." He replies, while we both stand up from our seats as we are excused to leave. I flip my long hair with the back of my hand, swaying my hips and walking away from him. I glance back once, seeing how he hasn't took his eyes off of me for a second.

"Game is still on, " He mutters, shaking his head. I laugh at him, continuing my walk.

I walk past the door, while Harry yells for my name. I simply ignore him, seeing Kaiden waving at me. I quickly make my way to him, happy that he's here to save from Harry.

Kaiden asks me how I'm doing while leaning on the wall, his blue eyes sparkling like the first stars of a night. Our conversations goes on about work and how the show's going to be exciting. I'm usually so bad keeping up a conversation but it seems so easy with Kaiden, and he seems to be such a genuinely a good person.

"You have your plus one picked?" Kaiden questions me, smiling.

"Not really," I shyly mutter.

"Then maybe you could join me?"

"There you are," Harry cuts us off, looking at the both of us.

"Did I interrupt something?"

I ignore him, turning back to Kaiden.

"Kaiden, I'd love to." I say, much to Harry's annoyance. Kaiden kisses the back of my hand, and waves me a goodbye as he leaves us.

I walk past Harry, not giving him any attention.

"You'd love to do what?" He shouts behind me, but I keep on walking forward. - He doesn't need to know until the fashion show night.


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