Chapter 9

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Song for this chapter;

Accidentally in love - Counting Crows


I shoot a death glare at him, making him shrug, amused. "Before you hit me, I bought you some clothes," he walks towards me, my mouth agape.

"Don't look!" I scream at him, as he pretends to hide behind his large hand, covering his whole face, handing me a plastic bag full of clothes with his other hand.

I take the bag from him, surprised why he did this, but since i'm almost naked, I don't have time to question it.

"I'm serious," I yell, and run straight to his bedroom, hearing him mumble something into his hands.

I close the door and curse outloud when I see there's not a lock on it. I explore the clothes in the plastic bag. He bought me a dress, high heels and underwears. I blush at the thought him buying these for me, as I'm holding the undergarments in my bare hands.

He even picked the right size!

I wonder if he does this with other girls, and why would he even do this. I could've just put on my own clothes.

Without any hesitations, I quickly put my underwear on, despite the effort trying to be fast, my bra gets stuck.

Just great. I try one more time, and finally I clasp the annoying bra. I literally spent 15 minutes just putting my underwears on.

"Hey Zoella, I thought that-" Harry's deep voice echoes from the hallway while he slowly opens the door.

"Don't come in!" I yell again, and he jolts, rapidly closing the door, making a loud noise.

"Sorry," he shouts from the other side of the door, chuckling.

I feel a rush of blood making they way into my cheeks. I'm sure he saw a glimpse of me, and I'm also sure he did it on purpose.

Furiously I put the dress on, surprised that it fits perfectly. Yellow floral print on a dark blue surface, short sleeves and the hem dropping down on my knees. I think I kinda like it, seeming it looks actually good on me, observing myself from Harry's mirror hanging on the wall.

I put the nude colored heels on, they feel a little uncomfortable but I decide to leave them on anyway.

After finally dressing up, I swiftly move to the kitchen where Harry stands with his phone on his large hand, scrolling through it.

"Done," I announce, and his head raises, eyes radiating my outfit.

A smile crosses his cherrylips, as he puts his phone into his front pocket.

Before he can speak, I part my lips," you knew I was changing, why did you come in?" I speak in a very harsh tone, crossing my arms.

"I didn't know you weren't finished. For God's sake you were in my room for almost a hour," he raises his eyebrows," and I saw nothing."

I give him a don't-lie-to-me-look but he just shrugs it off.

"And, you're wondering why I bought you those," he points at my clothes," we're going out. Especially after yesterday was really depressing, we could use some fun."

I raise my one eyebrow at him, grinning at his statement. "How did you know my size?" I ask him, while he puts his brown boots on.

"I checked. No more questions about that subject," he smirks and takes a hold of my fragile wrist, pulling me out of his apartment. On our way out, He let's go of my hand and gestures for me to go wait beside the car.

I obey, but look over my shoulder to see what he's up to. Just as I predicted, he opens his mailbox again and his eyes is filled with sorrow for a brief moment, knowing there's nothing waiting for him in it. Before he turns his head, I continue my walk to Harry's car.

"Get in." His husky voice speaks, and I nod at him.

I climb in his car, my gaze dropping into my lap. Yesterday was rough, but I guess it is sometimes. Sometimes you have to cry and let it out. It can cure the pain a little bit.

I turn my gaze at Harry, who looks intensely at the road, one hand on the wheel, other on the gear.

What kind of a secret can this beautiful man keep hidden?

"You're staring." He states, looking at me from the corner of his eyes as he stops at the red light.

"I was just thinking," I reply, a smile plastered on my face. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."


"A funfair, really?" I say in disbelief, as my eyes follow the spinning ferris wheel. Just looking at it, makes me want to vomit, you could say I was afraid of heights.

"Yeah, I mean it has the word 'fun' in it? So, it's gonna be fun." He attemps to lighten up the mood, my eyes glued to his.

"Come on Zoella, don't be like that," he teases me, trying uncross my folded arms.

"Is there any specific ride you wanna get on?"

I shake my head," I hate them all. It makes me dizzy and I'm afraid of heights," I admit, flushing.

He grabs my hand, and tells me that we can walk instead. I find the idea appealing as we walk hand in hand. Ny eyes dart to our hands, why did he keep his hands on mine?

He realizes that his grip is tightly on mine, and removes his hand, blushing.

We buy ice cream as he attempts to make jokes, that aren't really funny but I laugh at them anyway.

Eating the last of the ice cream, the carousel catches my attention. I remember my parents taking me into funfairs and that carousel was my favorite.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks me, sucking his fingers. I chuckle at the sight, him eating ice cream like a child.

"I used to love the carousel," I answer, smiling at the spinning horses.

"Let's get on," he smiles, getting an bad idea. Well, it's not that bad and I would love to get on it but it would be really embarrassing since we're not children.

"I'm wearing a dress."

"You can sit it in a way that the dress doesn't bother you."

"We're too old," I stricly remark, biting my lip.

"Are those things written in your official how-to-be-lame-book?" He tries to joke.

I pout my lips, despite my effort not to move, he takes my hand and pulls me to the line. I can't help but let a smile form on my lips, seeing that he makes this effort for me. Even if it doesn't mean anything romantically, i'm still satisfied. No one's really done these things to me.

Harry buys the tickets, I try to fight againts it but he did it anyway. Our turn comes and I hop on a fake, pink horse. Sitting on it sideways so that my feet are on the same side. I feel someone sitting next to me and I glance up to see Harry smirking at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, getting glares from everybody. We were oldest ones in this and two people in a one horse wasn't a sight you saw everyday.

"I thought that I should join you, since you're afraid of heights and all," he utters, holding on the bar, leaning on me. His other hand curls it's way around my waist. His touch feels so warm, electricy going through me.

The carousel starts spinning, and I'm blushing as people keep staring at us, their eyes don't leave us even for a second.

"People are staring, Harry."

"Let them."


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