Chapter 5

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Songs for this chapter;

Crush - David Archuleta

Disconnected - 5 Seconds Of Summer


I take a deep breath as the woman pulls me into the changing room, filled with skinny girls trying on bizarre and really exposing clothes.

I guess, I'm not that overdressed after all.

"This is what you'll wear first, then this. After you're done dressing up, you have to sit on that chair and wait for Chelsea to do your makeup and hair." The lady addresses, pointing at the extreme dresses that are currently hanging on the rack.

What was with these awful clothes? And, I thought my clothing were weird.

I try my everything to not gag at the sight of the dresses.

The first one that I'm suppose wear has all the colors of the rainbow and maybe even more.

I swiftly make my way to a dusty corner, making sure no one could possible see me undressing. I know it's stupid thing to do and everyone in the room are just girls like me, but my obnoxious nonstopping insecurity won't ever let me undress in front of anyone.

I glance at the mirror, nicely tugging the dress down.

"That looks really great on you. Chanel really suits you." A young lady, with a short dark brown hair approaches me.

"I'm Chelsea, by the way." She offers her hand, and shakes mine rapidly.

"Zoella." I answer her, and she nods, gesturing me to sit down in front of the large shiny mirror.

"I'll have to remove your own makeup and start all over again." With that Chelsea begins to use different kinds of things on my face, I never were familiar with makeup and this is confusing me even more. The table is filled with several types of lipsticks, blushers, liquids plus some other things I can't even name.

She even uses something specifically for my nose?

After she's done with my makeup, I lift my head up to get a better view in the mirror, and mentally laugh at myself. My face was almost as colorful as my dress.

Rainbow was nothing compared to this girl staring right at me.

Being my usual self, I didn't want to complain at all, well I don't think, I'm even allowed to complain since this was my job now. Sigh.

As I follow Chelsea, trying not to fall in these enormous high heels and dress. My hair is the only thing that was okay with my appearance, all though the colour of it was still bugging me.

I'm guided to wait in front of a white wall, the set where the photos are taken, I assume.

The camera man tells me to wait for Harry and then after that we could begin right away.

Where's Harry anyway? Why is he late? Oh my, i'm beginning to sound like a overly attached girlfriend. I flush at the thought even considering being his girlfriend, which I know will never come true since he 'doesn't do girlfriends'.

After 30 minutes of waiting, he pops into the room, a dimpled grin plastered on his face. He's wearing pretty normal clothes, especially comparing to mine. He has on black skinny jeans and a red flannel, looking flawless as ever and here I am, looking like a colourful dork.

PS. I Love You h.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें